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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles  What you are going through is hard. It is hard to explain to others when you can still read and retain and talk to others like you do.


After my stroke last year, I was left with pretty significant short term memory problems. It is and has been one of the biggest challenges of my life. Thankfully my long term memory is still good. 


I have notes all over the house...that helps me especially with my medications. If we have company that stays long and I participate in a lot of conversation....well, things start getting a bit "fuzzy" and my brain gets tired and I have noticed, I need to rest my brain for awhile.  I have talked to God about all this. I believe he listens and knows what it's like for me. I will talk to him about you, @SandySparkles.  While I may not understand the whys? of a lot of things,

I'm trusting him to get me through. I'm glad you shared this. I have added you to my prayer list. He has gotten me through so much and he will get you through this. All my love and prayers to you dear one.


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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles wrote:


I'm so sorry you're struggling. I really feel for you.


I went to a memory/alzheimer's specialist this summer. A new blood test came out about 18-20 months ago that identifies the chemical in the brain that diagnoses alzheimer's. My results were just below the diagnosis level.


The specialist and I spent quite a bit of time talking about what I can do to lower the level of that chemical. I've been doing everything possible since then. I retest in February.


A few of the things the dr told me include:

  • Minimum 30 minutes exercise every day. I walk my dog and use the treadmil. I do yardwork. I joined a senior center and take yoga and fitness classes.
  • Eat more fresh greens, seafood, fruit, vegies
  • Counseling to get anxiety/stress/depression under control.
  • Talk to therapist or doctor about taking an antidepressant. I've been on an SSRI since June and it's made a huge difference. 
  • Get 8 hours sleep every night. Dr said everyone who doesn't get enough sleep has a higher level of this chemical in the brain the next day. 
  • Maintain a reasonable social life
  • Read
  • Learn something new, find a new hobby
  • No smoking - I don't anyway

The dr also said Omeprazole and similar drugs can make it difficult to lower that chemical in the brain.  


The dr also ran some blood tests. I found out I'm anemic and have a low blood oxygen level - low enough to affect brain performance. I had to start an iron supplement and increase eating fresh foods containing iron. I retest this in Dec.


It's the single scariest thing I've ever experienced.


I pray you do well and find a solution that works for you.

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles  As others have stated, I'm sure you're under a doctor's care. It's always difficult receiving challenging diagnoses. I always love your posts; always uplifting, sweet and positive. The world could use more people,like,you. That being said, just read the posts you're interested in and no need to answer posters personally. Just relax and enjoy. 💖

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

[ Edited ]


I posted once, but wanted to add, I write things I need to do in a notebook for each day.  

I have notes before I leave the house or go to bed at night, what to check around the home, like stove, front and back door locks, etc. Back lights out.

I write down when I take or give dog meds. I actually put the bottles on my dresser at night before bed. Then in the morning after taking meds, put the bottle away, so I know I've taken them. 

I do not have a family to check on me everyday, maybe once a week, a text or a phone call.

My neighbor checks for a text in the morning that I am ok.

I do take dog for walk, walk on my treadmill a couple of miles, do  weights 3 times a week. Go to the Senior center for a class.   Still quite active. Clean my own home and do my own yard work.

The notes by the front door, turn off stove, shut whatever lights,, etc.

My one son is 64 and he is having the same problems.

Write things to do and scrarch off when done .

I also realize, life is fast today.  I have too much stuff on computer, looking at phone messages or google.  Too much information being thrown our way, too many gadgets and time on computer to read everything being thrown our way.  Even on TV, speech is faster and out driving, most speeding over the speed limit. Too much info.

God Bless you.  You will be in my prayers everyday. 



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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...


@jubilant wrote:

@SandySparkles  What you are going through is hard. It is hard to explain to others when you can still read and retain and talk to others like you do.


After my stroke last year, I was left with pretty significant short term memory problems. It is and has been one of the biggest challenges of my life. Thankfully my long term memory is still good. 


I have notes all over the house...that helps me especially with my medications. If we have company that stays long and I participate in a lot of conversation....well, things start getting a bit "fuzzy" and my brain gets tired and I have noticed, I need to rest my brain for awhile.  I have talked to God about all this. I believe he listens and knows what it's like for me. I will talk to him about you, @SandySparkles.  While I may not understand the whys? of a lot of things,

I'm trusting him to get me through. I'm glad you shared this. I have added you to my prayer list. He has gotten me through so much and he will get you through this. All my love and prayers to you dear one.


Same here.  Everything you said. I have been so blessed living alone and on my own.  

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

Take care.  I enjoy reading your posts, but your health comes first.  Hope your situation improves.  You are a fun and interesting poster.  

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

[ Edited ]

@SandySparkles  Please take as much time as you need from this forum to deal with your medical issues.  You are such an upbeat person, always complimenting others and never a bad or harsh word.  As many have already posted, it's not apparent you are having any issues posting or with your messages here.  You might be too hard on yourself trying to keep up with too many posts.  Acknowledging everyone's post on a thread you start takes a lot of thought, time and trying to keep up with everyone can become confusing.  Just a general, simple statement to 'everyone' on the thread is more than enough.  


I hope you improve and your time away from here posting will help.  Please know that we all care and wish you all the best.  

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles Also like someone mentioned already, just "Heart" a reply instead of responding to everyone of them so you wont tire yourself out. I sure hope things work out for you. It's always a pleasure reading your posts and I will miss them. But take care of yourself first and foremost.

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

[ Edited ]

    Reading this thread I am taken aback by some of the heath issues suffered by many here and the incredible strength and resilience you've all shown through it all. 

   It got me to thinking how we never know what struggles each poster is dealing with and how even though we have disagreements from time to time it's nice how we always come together  with love and support when it counts. It's a lovely thing.

Sending heart felt hugs out to everyone who's struggling in any way.....Heart












"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...


You have to do what is easiest for you right now; there comes a point with dementia where the most basic skills cannot be recalled.  I'd like to have a dollar for every time my mother trotted across the road wringing her hands because she couldn't remember how to turn off the TV!