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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

We will miss your up beat and positive posts, but you need to take care of you! Heart

Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it
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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

So many prayers are going up for you, you just can never know....hope you are making a to-do list and notepads your best friend....I depend on a daily list to stay organized!

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles Thank you for sharing your struggles with us.  I've never read an unkind post from you towards anyone.  Your glass is always more than half full and your posts are inspirational and optomistic.  I hope that you find the right treatment for your diagnosis and are feeling better soon.

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles   I am very sorry to hear of your condition and to open yourself up in the vulnerable state you are in is beyond commedable. Please look into Medical Medium on Instagram and his books on Amazon.


I firmly  believe you can delay or maybe put into remission your condition. I have one in my family that did just that! Vitamin B-12 is def a biggie and wild blueberries you can find in freezer section of stores, but please look into Medical Medium. I will be praying for you, Sandy.

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...


@RedTop wrote:


Understanding OPs diagnosis, her acknowledgment and reply to each poster is a self help way of trying to hold onto her cognitive function skills as long as possible.  


My mother was about 7 years into her vascular dementia before her symptoms were quite noticeable at the levels OP has accurately described in this post.  This is when the Dr. put a name on it in moms medical record.  I bought children's workbooks, multiple types of puzzles, a notebook that I urged her to leave on the kitchen table so she could scribble whatever ran thru her mind, draw, make notes, write numbers in sequence, write down anything to maintain brain to hand coordination/function, period.  Did she do it?  NO, and immediately her mental decline was more noticeable.   

@SandySparkles, I urge you to keep reading, writing, and staying in touch with others as long as you can.  It is extremely important for you to keep pushing.  Write post it notes with instructions, and stick them throughout your house.  Mom forgot how to turn a light switch on and off, forgot how to use the washer, and after multiple scares with the electric stove, my brother turned it off at the breaker.  

I sincerely wish you the best with this health issue!

@RedTop Welcome!🥰 Reading your thoughtful and caring words of support were ESPECIALLY comforting to read when first signing on this morning, and warmed my heart!😊 I know you are aware of my early on-set diagnosis, and sincerely THANK you SO very much for sharing your dear mother's relatable story!🤗


Engaging with others socially; to include chatting, is a suggested part of my cognitive therapy. I just became quite overwhelmed mentally AND physically with the sheer number of threads and trying to respond as I normally do.

I will try to continue, just at a much reduced level! Again, THANK you SO much for your understanding and support!❤️🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles Sandy, Thanks for keeping us posted on your struggles. 


It's so important to be kind, as you never know what someone is dealing with. Please know I am praying for you. Will miss your Sunny disposition and positive energy on this board. Hope you  are able to return soon! Take Care of yourself!

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Registered: ‎06-13-2010

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...


@monicakm Welcome!🥰 I am replying to your post on page 3. I cried softly while reading it as I, too, have some of the same debilitating memory issues, day-to-day struggles and was overcome with emotion!😢 I have had to stop engaging in some activities I LOVED❤️ previously because of many of my life changing challenges! I just try to live my life to its fullest!😊


THANKS to my Iphone, task management; although EXTREMELY challenging, is made a little easier, with helpful apps; especially those memory related!🥰


I am SO sorry for YOUR cognitive struggles, and THANK you SO much for sharing your heart tugging story!!!!❤️ I stand in solidarity with you, and sincerely HOPE that YOU can continue to mange your day to day activities as best as you can with the GRACE that you do!🤞🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖




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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...



Your post has made me very sad. 😭


At the same time I am happy that posting with your forum friends provides you with a form of cognitive exercise that can prove helpful to you because you truly are such a joy--always kind, always caring and always positive.❤️  






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Posts: 21,727
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

Thank you @SandySparkles. we all have our challenges and we will all do what we can to overcome them and sometimes that means with the help of others.  I hope you have family or friends that can help you when you need it. And I pray that you will ask for it. That seems to be the hardest part about help, making that first move to ask for it.

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Registered: ‎04-04-2020

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...


@SandySparkles  . . 


I, for one, had no idea you've been dealing with these issues.


I just read your post for the first time today, 11/6, and wish you all the best.


Take as much time off as you wish, and I hope with some rest and refocusing, things improve for your overall health and well-being.


Sending many blessings to you. Heart