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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles  reading your post broke my heart and I am so very sorry you are having to endure this.  I didn't read all of the replies but agree that you come first and trust you are keeping in touch with your Doctor.  Every post I have read from you has been genuinely kind, you are an inspiration and I can see that God lives in your heart.  

Take as much time as you need for yourself and know you have so many who love you and will be here for you.  Sending gentle hugs and prayers to you🙏🩷

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...



I don't have dementia. I do have some cognitive issues because of my MS and Neurontin. Sage was helping with that but I had to start taking it.

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles - You are one of the kindest posters on this forum and I always enjoy your threads and responses.  Sending prayers to you and thinking of you.  Take a break if you need to.  Everyone will understand that you're not able to post or post as much.  


Even if you're not actively posting, I know you're out there reading all these threads.  I hope you're going to be okay.  Please take care.  Hugs.  

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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...


I am very sorry to hear you are experiencing health issues.  Please take good care of yourself and I am wishing you the very best.



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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

ALL the Overflowing Kindness and Wonderful Uplifting Positive posts shows just how much ❤️ there is HERE for OUR ANGEL in the Human Form that we call

SandySparkles 💕💕💕

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Posts: 766
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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles     sorry to read about your health issues 

there are however some of us that do understand fears of correct diagnoses           myself and my husband have been going through many rough health issues dating back to 2002

and most of the years since including the present            my husband spent over a week in a mental facility diagnosed with clinical depression and panic anxiety disorder           you are not alone and i understand your fear and hope your life gets bettervsoon for you



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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles - You can see how many posters here look forward to reading your posts and care about you.


Take as much time as you need to care for yourself.  Post when you can and just read to "stay in the loop", when you don't feel up to posting.


I'll add my prayers to everyone else's that your health issues improve and you're back with us soon, spreading that sparkling positivity!


"A little learning is a dangerous thing." Alexander Pope
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Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

Dear @SandySparkles you are always a beacon of joy and kindness.  I delight in reading every one of your posts.  If I've never said it before, I truly appreciate you! Heart


I'm so sorry you are going through this difficult time.   Explore all the options available to you; whatever you decide, it's completely understandable.  Praying for you, and looking forward to your posts whenever you visit.

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Registered: ‎11-08-2014

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

 @SandySparkles .  I'm so sorry you are having these confounding health struggles.  Amazing that you carry on in the superlative way you do, with all that weighing on you.  You have clearly always been a "high-functioning" individual, in all the best senses.


I will pray that you will find the best possible answers and healing that you seek. And relief from anquish.  As far as posting, we are so glad to have you here in any form-- you do not have to reach any 'standards' of participation of any kind, other than bringing your welcome, always-enhancing presence.  Suspend any ideas of pressure of any kind.  Enjoy your time just reading, and when ever you want to jump back in, in any form, the forum is here.


I appreciate the excellent strategies that posters have made concerning mental stimulation as we age and evolve-- important for all of us, diagnosed or not.       

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Struggling To Keep Up ...

@SandySparkles @Oznell @Caaareful Shopper @Venezia @mrshckynut 


Look at all of these beautiful responses!

Very encouraging to all who post here!


I wanted to add that when I think back to the days of my grandmother living by herself at my age now, I remember how little she had access to in comparison to my daily life.

Her diet consisted of the sparse number of groceries that she could afford.

She was an avid tv watcher and knew more than I ever did about world current events which I admired. Her small rent-controlled apartment was very nice but it's amazing that she could walk up and down the narrow steps every day.

She didn't drive and grocery delivery service was unknown.

All of this is to say that sometimes I need to take account of my blessings...even though life can present me with hardships occasionally!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~