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@monicakm wrote:



Good grief!  What is going over there? Do they not read all the complaints?


They are too busy reading the 450,000+  members on their QVC Possibility Facebook group comments. 


If you are referring to QVC reading complaints here on this forum, statistically the number is inconsequential., by a long shot.

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@Desertdi wrote:

Sounds like the Q now needs a "Parental Guidance" warning before the show...

What children would be watching? They wouldnt understand just like they wouldnt understand or care about skin care programming.

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Hope all who purchased enjoy.

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@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

Some folks still don't understand capitalism,  entrepreneurship,  marketing,  brand awareness,  new product development.......

@They Call Me MR Wilkes  Yes we get your lecture, again.


What are you even doing here??  The topic has nothing to do with you nor do you understand about these products.


Your constant remarks about being entertained by "you ladies" is condescending and quiet frankly you present as another "Mr." who views the good women here as not understanding economics, needing to calm down, and other assorted remarks I thought would have been dismissed decades ago.


I don't need your right to post comeback either.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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I do not find the products wrong or embarrassing or disgusting or whatever.


I remember the first book I read about menopause by Dr. Christiane Northrup called "The Wisdom of Menopause". 


However we do know some earlier products were found to be problematic and commercials were removed.


I think it's a new time of life to embrace.  


Women can decide for themselves yay or nay. Isn't that what we all strove for decades ago ( and still do)?


Be well.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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I do not understand the big hype about this. ****** is not a dirty word or a disgusting word. I also went thru menopause at age 36. I had no idea what was happening. I wish I had this product then instead of the meds etc they tried and did not work. But I will try this now. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. That being said Shawn was not the right host for this. She makes everything sound vulgar. Mary Beth would have been perfect she has more finesse.

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I understand wanting to accept people we post with at face value but it does surprise me that anyone would think @They Call Me MR Wilkes is actually a "Mr." 

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@SusieQ_2 wrote:


I understand wanting to accept people we post with at face value but it does surprise me that anyone would think @They Call Me MR Wilkes is actually a "Mr." 

@SusieQ_2  No matter what the gender, "condescending" does apply.  And frankly I can't imagine being so wrapped up and immersed in the goings-on of QVC as that person is, no matter what gender! 😵‍💫

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I thought the presentation was just fine, and I am not a Shawn fan


they sell spray for stinky bathrooms what is the difference



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Frankly QVC and it's desire to make money off a female rite of passage is a little off-putting and it was probably a suggestion of Shaun's since she seems to be the leader of the pack.  So tired of the over 50, menopause and vaginal problems.  Women have gone through these processess since forever and survived them.  Usually when a women experienced these thngs she talked to her doctor about it.  They have blown up aging and menopause like it's an illness. You would think Shaun and her gang would let women age gracefully and normally.  I don't watch any of those age related shows but since QVC has sunk a lot money into this  avenue we are probably going to be hearing about it for some time.