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Re: Stray kitty now a new family member...But have a question.

Squeaks is beautiful! Just as an FYI, some vets are tattooing females with a little dotted line so if you or the vet shaves the belly you can tell immediately if the cat has been spayed.
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Re: Stray kitty now a new family member...But have a question.

On 1/19/2015 mewsmomtoo said: Squeaks is beautiful! Just as an FYI, some vets are tattooing females with a little dotted line so if you or the vet shaves the belly you can tell immediately if the cat has been spayed.

Thanks so much.. She goes back to the vet in two weeks for her booster shots and will mention it to her. She's such a cutie pie and a joy to have in our family. P.S. It didn't take her long to adjust and make herself at home..Smiley Happy

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Re: Stray kitty now a new family member...But have a question.

She's a beautiful cat! Funny, my "cat nephew" is named Squeekers. He had his name when my SIL adopted him and his brother, Fluffy. They were both tuxedo cats. Fluffy died some time ago, but Squeekers is 16 now.

I'm fairly new to cats as I'm allergic so I've done my best to sadly keep my distance, but was able to be around Squeekers for the most part without awful allergies an go over and spend time and feed him when my brother and SIL are out of town. I think he needs the love most, though now he needs a medication. I developed asthma about 2 years ago and was diagnosed last year and it made the cat allergies extremely bad, which breaks my heart a I love spending time with Squeekers, and he greets me at the door meowing when I go over there.

Around August last year, two kittens came into my life and I started feeding them and their Mom. They were slightly older than the age when they can be "easily adoptable (not cautious like their Mom's)" but still have become close to me, one more than the other. I'm guessing they're 8 months now. I've let them inside for small periods of time. One is more trusting than the other. I've been saving to get them spayed and unfortunately, one's hormones beat me to it and she went into heat yesterday, rolling on the ground and lowly yowling and whimpering, with her bottom raised instead of letting it touch the ground when sitting. A little clear fluid was you-know-where. She was very spazzed out and while in heat, she was also scared. Her sister kept smelling her as she was acting so differently than normal. From what I had read they usually go into heat in next in Spring, so I figured as long as I got her in by next month I should be safe. It kills me to see her scared and she hasn't been around today. I tried to get her inside and she shot off into the night. She's a small cat, very petite and doesn't weigh much. Most the cats in my neighborhood are females or fixed, and I heard one or two other cats in heat outside last night that are louder (she doesn't meow very loud, typical of an outside cat, and she's the quietest of the ones in heat). I tried to get the Home Owner's Assoc. to pitch in to get the feral cats around here fixed without luck, and I'm on disability so it's been tough. About $20 each house would pay for the 4 or so of them. I pray she's ok, I'm so scared for her and had hoped to get to a vet on payments today if I'd caught her. Anyhow, that's my experience with her. Some vets may still fix her, I just hope she comes back still in heat instead of pregnant but know the chances are slim.

Oh, one thing you can do is google your question, I did that yesterday afternoon at first signs, though you've found what I did. I actually had videos pop up when I did and they sounded just like her.