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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn

@Azcowgirl wrote:

I also read that she gives him the freedom to be with other women. ):

Just because you "read" it doesn't mean it's true!!! Sounds like something from the National Enquirer or those type of papers where things about celebrities are made up to sell papers.  Look at all the lawsuits they've lost.  Who really believes that stuff!! 

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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn

It does truly seem like he adores her.

I would love to have his and hers wings though, with a common area in the middle. How fun would that be (:

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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn

[ Edited ]


I've always liked Kurt Russell and his rugged good looks!...I also always thought that he had the potential to be a very good actor but just never seemed to be cast in the right roles.


He and Goldie seem to have a very sincere and loving relationship...Like any couple, I'm sure they have been through their own personal trials together...Whatever their "secret" is, it is obviously working for them.


Love the picture...beautiful!





~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn

Their chemistry and respect shines through. I don't think I've read either one trashing the other in public. That is so telling with couples! Many more happy years together!


"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn

Any time I've seen them together at some event or other it always struck me how he looked at her, like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.


I've always found him to be so very attractive, even as he aged.  


He still has one of the best smiles of anyone I've ever seen.



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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn

I don't believe in an open marriage but in having space and your own separate identity. I am a strong proponent of healthy "alone time". 


I believe people need to be alone on a regular basis and have time away from the marriage/relationship so they can be happy. For some reason, that seems to be frowned upon. But you were both your own person and did things and went out alone before you met.


I can't wait to have my own bathroom/space one day soon. Just because you live together it doesn't mean you have to spend all your disposable time together. My husband is shopping for suits alone in the city at my suggestion and I'm here connecting with total strangers LOL. I didn't want to go so he an go by himself, clear his mind from a busy week and return refreshed and happy to see me again. 


I think trust, kindness, empathy and healthy space along with your own identity are instrumental in any relationship. My marriage is not perfect but we are not losing ourselves in the process of finding happiness.



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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn

Even though Goldie Hawn was always cast as the spritely air-head on the TV show Laugh In, which, for many of us, was our introduction to this blithe spirit, I believe Goldie Hawn is close to her emotions and knows herself.  She is from "around these parts."   To be specific, she hails from suburban Maryland.  When she was a BIG star in the '80s and came to town, she almost never failed to stop at one of her favorite local eateries that she frequented when she was young:  Mrs. K's Toll House.  The Washington Post would always cover Goldie's arrival in town, and she inevitably ate at this modest establishment.  That says something, I believe, about what sort of person she is in her core.   

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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn

[ Edited ]



I agree with you and that is something that works for us as well. Thirty nine years together, but that includes plenty of time to also to be doing our own thing, then back to enjoy our time doing things together again. I have my bathroom and he has his and Its great. I highly reccommend it. My marriage isn't perfect either but we are happy .

edited to say ......that is 49 years married, not thirty nine !

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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn

@Azcowgirl wrote:



I agree with you and that is something that works for us as well. Thirty nine years together, but that includes plenty of time to also to be doing our own thing, then back to enjoy our time doing things together again. I have my bathroom and he has his and Its great. I highly reccommend it. My marriage isn't perfect either but we are happy .

edited to say ......that is 49 years married, not thirty nine !

Wow.. 49 years! That's great. Everyone needs and deserves his/her own space. 


I think people confuse being a couple with having to always "be" in a couple; no, you can and should be alone often and then come together to share what you've done and experienced when you were alone.  Trust is key and we all should be able to trust our partner enough and vice versa to experience life on our own terms regularly.


~Live with Intention~
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Re: Still Swooning over the Photo of Kurt Russell Smooching Goldie Hawn



Great photo!      They've been together for many, many years, and somehow the assumption is that she "lets" him stray.  Well, maybe it's also the other way around, too?    


I saw Kurt on some AM talk show this past week, promoting his new film ..... and BOY he has weathered skin!   No plastic surgery for Kurt, ha ha ha.


I've never seen Overboard, but now I'll have to look for it.  They really are a cute couple, and have found what works for them.   Kudos!