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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@LilacTree wrote:

I have always appreciated nurses (and always tell them so) and find it to be an important and admirable profession.


My only opinion on this whole "flap" is that, IMO, nursing is a profession, not a talent.  I watched the pageant and was surprised to see this contestant's performance treated as a "talent."

ita.  it is a profession and i didn't watch. 

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

That was on the Rosie show, NOT the View. Not that her behavior was stellar on either show.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

Just curious .....  how many of you have actually SEEN  the clip that started this uproar?


I found it on youtube, and all I saw was Joy questioning the contestant's use of props.    Joy wasn't denigrating nurses!


For ANY advertiser to pull their advertising over this is just plain STUPID.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

Just curious .....  how many of you have actually SEEN  the clip that started this uproar?


I found it on youtube, and all I saw was Joy questioning the contestant's use of props.    Joy wasn't denigrating nurses!


For ANY advertiser to pull their advertising over this is just plain STUPID.

Exactly. Thanks for the site.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

OK, here's my take on the whole "talent" issue - I didn't see this particular contestant's talent demonstration, so these are just my thoughts based on what I've gathered from online sources.


In previous pageants, I have seen contestants recite poetry or give dramatic recitations - sometime in costume, sometimes not.  This contestant wore her working clothes, while reading an essay (or possibly a monologue) on the subject of her profession.


First of all, it isn't everyone who can speak or read in public, and in such a way as to communicate effectively enough to move an audience.


Second, if she wrote the essay herself, she utilized her writing talent - and believe me, that's another ability not everyone has.


Therefore, if she indeed wrote her material herself, and then read it aloud to an audience of millions, and both moved and entertained said audience, I think this young woman actually demonstrated not one but two talents.



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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@sharlee wrote:

OK, here's my take on the whole "talent" issue - I didn't see this particular contestant's talent demonstration, so these are just my thoughts based on what I've gathered from online sources.


In previous pageants, I have seen contestants recite poetry or give dramatic recitations - sometime in costume, sometimes not.  This contestant wore her working clothes, while reading an essay (or possibly a monologue) on the subject of her profession.


First of all, it isn't everyone who can speak or read in public, and in such a way as to communicate effectively enough to move an audience.


Second, if she wrote the essay herself, she utilized her writing talent - and believe me, that's another ability not everyone has.


Therefore, if she indeed wrote her material herself, and then read it aloud to an audience of millions, and both moved and entertained said audience, I think this young woman actually demonstrated not one but two talents.



But the accusation was that The View's hosts, Joy in particular, made negative statements about the nursing profession.  No they did not.  They made negative statements about the pageant's talent segment of the Miss America show and questioned whether the lady in the nurses' outfit was displaying a talent.


I don't know who in their right minds would say negative things about the nursing profession.  They take better care of you than the doctors.  Actually, I trust them more and spend more time with them.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

[ Edited ]

I stopped watching the View years ago. Having said that, I went and watched the video of Joys statement.


Joy said the (contestant) nurse was just reading her emails and she said why is she (the contestant) wearing a stethoscope?


While the comment was rude "about the contestant just reading her emails." I don't see how it is an insult to nurses everywhere? And while I agree she shouldn't have said it, I don't see the big hoopla.


So my question is (and correct me if I am wrong); Is there more? Am I missing something else she may have said? Did I watch the wrong video and it got cut off?


PS) I have heard (via the media) many more rude statements that were made by Elisabeth and Whoopie over the years.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

A few people earlier in the thread were commenting on whether or not the contestant's presentation represented a talent or not.  That's what I was addressing in my previous post; sorry if that wasn't clear.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@guatmum wrote:

Greenhouse, you seem ignorant of other professions.  I can apply almost everything you stated about nurses to teachers and I'm sure some different things as well.  Yes, there was a time that teachers were (and in some places still are) working at the whim of the parent community.  Teachers, until the 50s and 60s weren't allowed to be married and work while showing a pregnancy.  Teachers still lose their jobs because they have a drink in their hand on a personal facebook site or the like.  I am questioned in the drugstore or grocery store about why I am "out" during a day I am out sick and I have to explain to the parent (as though it's REALLY their business) that, since I live alone, I must still eat and pick up my own meds regardless of how sick I am.  We are constantly referred to as babysitters and most people in our culture still believe we only work part-time for a full-time salary.  So, yes, other professions have gone through quite a bit, we still strive to better our professions, and we still CONSTANTLY upgrade/update/continue our education.  Nurses don't have a monopoly on any of that.  When it comes to service professions, the saying is true, "Some help to save lives while others help to make lives."  However, wouldn't it be nice NOT to blame the entire world for the difficulties our professions have gone through?  Wouldn't it be nice to truly hear what others are saying rather than filtering it based on our own anger?  I didn't see the show but it sounds like, as others have already stated, that it was the READING as a talent that was commented on, not the profession of a nurse.  If the comment about the stethoscope was inaccurate, merely correcting the misconception would go a LOT further to create understanding in the public than railing about it.  And, no, one doesn't have to be a nurse to "get it."  That's just another way to dismiss someone's comment without explaining yourself.

I respect all professions and all people but nurses were being discussed.  I don't have anger. I believe you might...don't know you.  I am standing up for nurses who for many years had no unions, no one to support them and most clueless to what we endured.  As said, when I ended my career three years ago, I was practicing unkind to say a person is mom was a teacher, my grandmother, my aunt and my uncle was a school principle and my niece's twin boys are both teachers...I was not discussing teachers.  I was discussing a comment about a stethoscope, from a nurses point of view..... being an instrument only used by doctors and as nurses, we were insulted; you are not a nurse so you missed the point.  It had nothing to do with the talent part.  I don't care about beauty pageants or what one considers talent.   Everyone can not be a concert violinist or determine if Tom Brady was guilty...that showed a lot of insight?  if a teacher came on and read something inspiring  about a moment where she changed a person's life, I certainly would not mock him/her and say what was that teacher doing with a book?  And, as part of my nursing career, I worked in the school system as a public health nurse and I do respect teachers and understand what they do and out up with daily but that is a discussion for another day...have a pleasant day! 

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@LilacTree wrote:

I have always appreciated nurses (and always tell them so) and find it to be an important and admirable profession.


My only opinion on this whole "flap" is that, IMO, nursing is a profession, not a talent.  I watched the pageant and was surprised to see this contestant's performance treated as a "talent."

I guess you might say that but better than the baton, I guess....I wasn't responding to the talent thing just Joyless's comment and the mocking tone.  It resonated with many nurses.