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šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+Good

[ Edited ]

(Re NEW study published JAN 29, 2016 study here: )

Article here:





Article dated MARCH 8, 2016


"Youā€™ve sworn off most processed foods, prefer kale over cake, and have even dabbled with ditching dairy. Youā€™re the super healthy one in your girl group, and your family knows that the weekend canā€™t truly start until youā€™ve logged a sufficient sweat session.


But youā€™re still a sucker for a can of soda every now and then, and you like your morning latte with a sprinkle of Splenda.


These little habits may seem harmless enoughā€”especially in moderationā€”but it may be time to tweak your occasional love for artificial sweetener.


New research suggested that Splenda (which, yes, is hidden inside that bottle of Diet Pepsi) may cause serious health problems, including cancer, Eat Cleanreports. A study published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health found that mice who were fed sucralose (the main ingredient in Splenda) daily throughout their lives eventually developed leukemia and other blood cancers.


The results of the study prompted the Center for Science

in the Public Interest to formally recommend that consumers

avoid the artificial sweetener.

(Up until 2013, it still deemed Splenda safe.)


Worried youā€™ll have to start drinking your coffee black? Fear not: Try these natural sweeteners in lieu of the chemical-laden artificial stuff. And consider this yet another reminder to stick with whole foods whenever possible, and to keep checking those food labels when you canā€™t.


Pass the agave, please.


On the plus side (sweet tooth-wise), dark chocolate has some serious health credā€”and even makes you smarter. "


(See my thread in 'Wellness'

about the benefits of chocolate.šŸ˜Š


"šŸ˜ƒChocolate may boost cognitive function-Medical News Today" )







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Re: šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+GoodšŸš«

I thought it has long been known, for a few decades, that these artificial sweetners caused cancer and were often worse than the real thing (sugar)?  I don't eat or drink anything with artificial sweetners for many reasons. They are nasty tasting and, to me, they actually taste like chemicals.

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Re: šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+GoodšŸš«

I don't use splenda, but as with any study, I like to know the following:


Who paid for this study?

Are they truly independent or do they have an ax to grind?

Is the lab/group that performed the study reputable?

How much of this stuff was fed to the mice daily?

How does that amount relate to what we might get in our diets on a daily basis?  


According to one article that I read, the amount of splenda fed to the mice was equivalent to drinking 10 (yes TEN) diet drinks a day.   That same article mentioned the lab who did this study has been crticized in the past for conducting studies that, as I understand it,  were not independent.  However, this study was supposedly funded by an independent group.


I wish these type of studies would use reasonable amounts in their studies not the equivalent of 10 diet drinks a day.  Personally, I still won't use splenda but I do recognize it may be a "hidden" ingredient in some of the foods that I eat.  

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Re: šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+Good

[ Edited ]


The link to to research study details

answering questions about it is at the top

of the original post.


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Re: šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+Good

Those lab mice are usually given huge quantities of whatever they are testing, in this case Splenda.  And yes, studies have mentioned the dangers of Splenda for years but again, based on feeding the animals huge quantities of the stuff.  


I'm not giving up Splenda, sorry.  I do have it every day but not a lot of it, and I can't live my life afraid of what I might contract - from anything.  I think something hereditary will 'get me" before Splenda ever does.   (She writes as she sips her coffee swetened with Splenda).

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Re: šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+Good

[ Edited ]

@HappyDaze wrote:

I thought it has long been known, for a few decades, that these artificial sweetners caused cancer and were often worse than the real thing (sugar)?  I don't eat or drink anything with artificial sweetners for many reasons. They are nasty tasting and, to me, they actually taste like chemicals.


I think they taste bad too

@HappyDaze.  I like stevia

or more natural sweeteners like

a very small amount of sugar

or local honey.  The studies are good

info for us imho but not directives or

personal affronts.


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Re: šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+Good

[ Edited ]

Regular processed sugar which is an additive to most processed food is far more dangerous than a little Splenda here and there. How much proportionally would you actually have to eat before it becomes a catastrophic health risk? Regular Coke and other sodas that are not diet are 98% sugar. I'll take my chances with a little splenda on my cereal or a can once in a while of diet soda.

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Re: šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+Good

@RainCityWoman wrote:

Regular processed sugar which is an additive to most processed food is far more dangerous that a little Splenda here and there. How much proportionally would you actually have to eat before it becomes a catastrophic health risk? Regular Coke and other sodas that are not diet are 98% sugar. I'll take my chances with a little splenda on my cereal or a can once in a while of diet soda.


Interesting @RainCityWoman.  Is an equal

amount of sugar more dangerous than the

same amount of Splenda?



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Re: šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+Good

I can't drink or eat any artificial sweeteners anyway because I have Crohns and it is the one thing that absolutely kills my stomach within 30 min of ingesting it but I do know many people who use this in moderation because they have diabetes. I also agree a lot of these studies they pump these animals full of this stuff, much more than a regular human would consume in a life time. 


I notice lately there is literally a study for everything and it can harm you in some way. I eat great 80-90% of the time and just do the best that I can. 


I do know some people who are so extreme in their diets with no gluten, dairy, alcohol, anything inflammatory, anything with fat, etc.. Honestly, I would prefer to live 10 - 15 yrs less if I had to eat like that. 


I just try to be sensible. 


However, I do know people with serious diet pop addictions and they drink so many I am sure it affects them on some level but I think people who enjoy this moderately, they will be just fine. 

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Re: šŸš«Splenda's reported health dangers | Well+Good

Suggesting agave is a safe substitute for Splenda causes me to ignore the rest of the article. There is nothing safe about consuming agave and anyone who does a search can discover why.