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Registered: ‎09-22-2010

I learned to drive on LA freeways.  The amazing thing to me when I moved to the PNW is that nobody honked!

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Posts: 434
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

DiAnne, where I used to live in upstate ny no one honked. It was an absolute pleasure to drive. Here they don't even give you a chance to lift your leg off the break to put it on the gas 😡😡. Where is everyone going to be I. Such a hurry?  The funny thing is I watch the crazy zig zager in and out of lanes and they really don't get anywhere any faster. I just think it makes them think they are. 

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Posts: 7,252
Registered: ‎11-15-2011

Re: South Florida traffic

[ Edited ]


There are a few small towns in South Central FL.  We're an hour from the beach, but I live across the street from a cattle farm.


Check out East Pasco, Polk and Hillsborough, south.