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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday

That sledding accident was probably God's way of getting him checked out so they could fix the problem.  I'm sure God will follow through for you and he will be fine.  It was all probably part of his plan for your son!

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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday

Lifting you and your family up in prayer.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday

@Oznell good thoughts and prayers for your DS and your family my friend . . . Heart

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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday




I am so sorry you all are having to face this.

When a child has surgery, no matter what type, a mom is hard put to do anything but worry. 💜💚

I am sure he will come thru with flying colors.

Will be thinking of you on Monday and looking for updates.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday

He will be in my prayers - if not for the sledding accident, you may have not found out - isn't it strange how things like that happen?  A friend of mine's sister was standing on some stairs and fell backwards hard - her kidneys stopped from the blow.  When they did scans they showed she only had one kidney - they later found the other kidney, it was wrapped around her bladder - since birth.

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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday

I certainly will pray for him. Try not to worry, as hard as it is. It could be the start of entirely better time for his health

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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday


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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday



I am in prayer for your dear son, that all will go as planned, and that he will soon be restored to good health. 

I also believe in the power of prayer, so thank you for sharing this concern with us on the board.



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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday

Absolutely sending prayers your son's way.  Wishing him a speedy recovery.

~Breathe In~ Breathe Out~ Move On~
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Re: Son Headed for Surgery Monday

Hi @ Oznell.. many prayers for your son for his upcoming surgery to clear the blockage that is causing problems w/his kidney. Prayers are powerful and I believe in them as I just finished a 2 month period of my husband undergoing 2 Surgeries and being in ICU. Thankfully he's doing well now partially I feel because of the power of prayer..good luck on Monday!!🙏🙏