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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore


Anyone remember these?  Customers would receive stamps at the checkout counter of supermarkets, department stores and gas stations among other retailers, which could be redeemed for products in their catalog. 


I hated pasting those stamps in the little book that came with them.  But I did get a lot of kitchen and other products at the redemption store using them.  I remember their catalog had a lot of available merchandise.


P.S.:  I still use Epsom salt.  If your feet are tired or they hurt, it does help if you soak them in Epsom salts.

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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore

@AnikaBrodie wrote:


Anyone remember these?  Customers would receive stamps at the checkout counter of supermarkets, department stores and gas stations among other retailers, which could be redeemed for products in their catalog. 


I hated pasting those stamps in the little book that came with them.  But I did get a lot of kitchen and other products at the redemption store using them.  I remember their catalog had a lot of available merchandise.


P.S.:  I still use Epsom salt.  If your feet are tired or they hurt, it does help if you soak them in Epsom salts.

Everyone did the greenstamps,I sure do remember.

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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore


@Mothertrucker wrote:

@Burnsite wrote:

Deep--It was purple in color and I think I may have thought it smelled concord-grapey.


I also loved the smell of paste.  I stopped sampling it after first grade, though.


Mothertrucker--I think my form of crack was probably "Sugar Babies," that intensely sugary candy, which now seems horrifying to me but I used to love.  Even the name is pretty awful.

Oo oh Sugar Babies! And sugar Daddy! As I recall, there was. Sugar Mama

at one time,too? Loved a good Black was like a Sugar  Daddy...

We used to sneak Sugar Daddy's into the movies because they lasted so long. 

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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore

@NoelSeven wrote:

@dex wrote:

what about purple people eater?I think the medical term was gentian violet.My mom had a bottle of that with a cork in it and it seems to me she used it for anything that went wrong with our skin and that included cuts.



I had to look that up, I never heard of it before:


gen·tian vi·o·let
noun: gentian violet
a synthetic violet dye derived from rosaniline, used as an antiseptic
We used Mercurochrome, then it was found to be not safe:

Ouch!  This brings back bad memories!  I hated this stuff.  It burned so bad!

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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore

Ipecac syrup


☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️
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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore

Anybody get the BUZZR Channel?!  They show old game shows and retro commercials:  Toni Home Permanents, Dream Whip, Bryl Cream, "Let Hertz put you in the driver's seat" and much more!

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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore

I Just remembered the name of the medicine my Grandfather used...Geritol,Anyone know about that one? 

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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore

@dex wrote:

I Just remembered the name of the medicine my Grandfather used...Geritol,Anyone know about that one? 




oh yes......i remember ads for geritol......i always thought it was a type of vitamin?

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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore

@LyndaGee wrote:

Anybody get the BUZZR Channel?!  They show old game shows and retro commercials:  Toni Home Permanents, Dream Whip, Bryl Cream, "Let Hertz put you in the driver's seat" and much more!




@LyndaGee i am really loving the nostalgia channels that are popping up on our cable system. i dont think we have BUZZR, but i hope we get it added!

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Re: Something You Don't Hear About Anymore

@LTT1 wrote:



"Madge"  "you're soaking in it" (Palmolive Dishwasing liquid)


Scrapple -- well, we visited PA and had to ask what this is... you all were taking about "mush" well, this is grosser.  Liver is in it?? Right?

Your post made me laugh.  I LOVE scrapple.  Yes, it's mushy on the inside, but you need to fry it up nice and crisp on the outside.  It's served at most of the diners in my area.  Liver is in it, as well as head, heart and other pork "trimmings".  Not really sure what "trimmings" are and, chances are, I don't want to know.  Hahaha  Cornmeal is in it as well.  It's an acquired taste.  I only eat it once or twice a year.