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@CelticCrafter wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

my ex has an amount pending in his checking account today, but i cannot see what it is for? the amount is $161.50.

Why are you checking your ex's bank account...



because we are friends 

because we have three children together

because we own a business together

because he trusts me



LOL i could go on.......but those answers will work......

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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My husband once got extra money.  Weeks later, he got a letter.


the SS office recalculated his account.  He was still working and paying into SS....they readadjust payments if they notice,  and you get a check or deposit for what they owe you back dates.  It is also possible that your next SS check will be higher.


Your sister should be getting a letter soon with an explaination.

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Mail started being delayed more this month...I bet a letter is on the way....

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No but I wish........