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Sellers can charge what they please for a product. I feel as a shopper, it's my job to find a price point I am willing to pay. QVC, to my knowledge, has never claimed to have the lowest prices in the marketplace.
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On 4/28/2014 lulu2 said:

QVC does not claim to have the lowest prices.

True. But they do claim to have Quality Value Convenience, and they don't have those, either. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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What a crazy post. You're free to shop with Walter Drake anytime you want to.

QVC is not a bargain basement, but that's okay with me.

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I see what the OP is saying. Mark Charles supposedly is stuff only designed for QVC and you'd assume where you could get the best deal. You wouldn't expect to find his stuff elsewhere. I think that's what the OP is saying. I'm gonna check out the Walter Drake site, although none of Mark Charles things tempt me.

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I don't understand why OP thinks she's being ripped off - and I'm thinking that what she says is cheaper elsewhere is stuff no longer sold by Mark Charles on QVC. Makes absolutely no sense to me to compare unless both items are being sold by both companies at the same time.

Unfortunately, OP doesn't give even one specific example including items numbers, dates, and prices. As with anything else, the devil is in the details.

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On 4/30/2014 Golden Sky said:

Sorry OP that you got blasted with your post. I on one hand can see how it looks like a rip off, but I always feel like if I watch the presentation and buy elsewhere I am ripping off QVC. We all do that sometimes though. Sometimes the QVC quality is not the best and I am ripped off, so it's a wash. A deal here, a loss there. I am going to check out the site though{#emotions_dlg.devil2}

I think the term "rip-off" is a very strong and perjorative one-

To say one has been "ripped off" by any retailer, HAS to entail a lot more than just finding something somewhere at a better price- To me, that term certainly implies a lot worse than just paying too much-

I would say we need to blame ourselves if we do not do our due diligence when purchasing ANYTHING..Especially with internet search engines at our fingertips...

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There you go again Toby.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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On 4/27/2014 mdgrammy said:

My friend directed me to the Walter Drake website for a baking item. While surfing there,

I couldn't get over how many QVC items I saw that were so much cheaper!!!

Mark Charles silicone pot cover to stop boil overs, microwave crisper trays, aluminum wallets, etc......

Also, George Stella's cook book, go to Stella Style dotcom and get all the recipes


I'm so tired of being ripped off.

You have to shop around. I don't think QVC has ever claimed to be have the lowest prices on items. Sure they have deals, but you have to watch those too.

Personally, I look at QVC more of a convenience, because sometimes it's hard for me to get out to shop. But I also check other internet sites too.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 4/30/2014 sammyjobeagle said:

May I recommend for shoes. Most are priced less than QVC and they ship for FREE!!

I second that recommendation. Shoebuy is great! My last purchase was the Clarks Amelia Air sandles, which on QVC sell for $116 + $8.72 S&H + tax. At Shoebuy, they are $89.95 and free shipping. With a 20% coupon I found on line, the total came to $71.96 - a savings of just over $60.00 compared with QVC!!!