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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

105' right now in Amarillo, Tx

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@On It 


I've made lists that we keep on the computer for each type of trip: road trip to the lake cabin, drive to Florida, fly to a city, etc.  The lists include # of tops, bottoms, shoes, underware.  I coordinate by color, and keep it simple. 

I used to bring items for just in case: bug spray, cotton swabs, nail polish remover...the list was endless.  Now if we need it, we'll buy it at Target or wherever.

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Posts: 255
Registered: ‎03-20-2022

Re: So Hot Today

[ Edited ]

@SharkE  109 in Dallas with Saharan dust and smoky haze from wildfires. *cough* At least it's windy today.


We broke the record high today, beating out the sizzling hot summers of 1980, 2011, and 2018. So far 109°F officially at DFW. airrport weather reporting far.

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It is too hot to go to our favorite ice cream shop for a sundae. We had a laugh about realizing our rationale earlier this afternoon. The trip over there will be hot, the ice cream will melt too quickly, and we would have to deal with the hot sun while we ate it. We will wait for cooler weather (at least below 100.)

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Posts: 37,969
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

I saw on Tv where England hit 100 and only 5% over there have a/c


In America 90% do and high bills LOL  Mine was almost 300, set at 78 and turned off at night, sleep with ceiling fan on me.



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@On It wrote:

@rms1954 I totally understand what you are saying. I had never watched Hallmark until the lockdown. Their movies have become a wonderful source of distraction from everyday stress. It is something about the formula they use that is both distracting and relaxing.


I hope you can cool down watching those snowy scenes. We are at 102 headed for 108 in West Texas.

@On It 


Same here never saw a Hallmark movie until a year or so ago.  Really enjoy their Christmas movies and was quite surprised as some were well written and acted.  Lots of former soap opera stars too Smiley Happy