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Snowfall off of roofs.

[ Edited ]

It's amazing about snow removal.  Some use cranes even.  Check it out on You Tube.  These metal roofs kind of let loose on their own.  Never know when or how much will fall.  It really drops on some cars too.  Big huge sheets of it.  You should see all the techniques of this removal.  I just think it's amazing.  You should see the amount of some of the snow falls these people have.  I had no idea for some of them and the tools they have to use to get the job done.


We're a winter wonderland here again too, after yesterdays late p.m.  snowfall. 

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I can hardly believe the snow upper New York received. One would have to get some of that snow off roofs so they don't cave in. 


I have a snow broom. It's made with materials that don't damage the roof. It extends enough to get snow piles off the outer 3+ feet of the roof without a ladder. It helps the gutters and knocks off icicles.


The snow broom also comes in handy when a branch falls on the roof. We've had derechos and other wild wind storms and I have lots of trees so it's made clean up a little easier. 

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Re: Snowfall off of roofs.

[ Edited ]

We don't have a snow problem, but the collection of leaves in some roof areas can be a 

problem.  Then it rains a little, wets them, they mat down and then more fall, which can be a recipe for rot.  I can only imagine how dangerous too much snow on a roof would be. Icicles too!



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No snow Up North but here snow rakes are popular.  My neighbor has a heated roof. Same idea as heated floors, he flips a switch when needed.


Newer homes have roof strength requirements by code.

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@Another new name Sue wrote:

We don't have a snow problem, but the collection of leaves in some roof areas can be a 

problem.  Then it rains a little, wets them, they mat down and then more fall, which can be a recipe for rot.  I can only imagine how dangerous too much snow on a roof would be. Icicles too!



@Another new name Sue 


I recently saw an ad for gutters that aren't open, but have a loose screen on the top half of it.  That allows the water to run down the roof, into the gutter, but the leaves aren't going in.   They either blow away with the next wind, or can be easily brushed off. 


It was the most clever adaptation ... and I wondered why no one ever thought of it sooner!  Very clever!

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@Tinkrbl44   Yes, they are really pushing those hard here in California.  We've talked about getting an estimate, maybe next month.  Seems to me the smaller debris could still filter through and build up over time.

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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Another new name Sue wrote:

We don't have a snow problem, but the collection of leaves in some roof areas can be a 

problem.  Then it rains a little, wets them, they mat down and then more fall, which can be a recipe for rot.  I can only imagine how dangerous too much snow on a roof would be. Icicles too!



@Another new name Sue 


I recently saw an ad for gutters that aren't open, but have a loose screen on the top half of it.  That allows the water to run down the roof, into the gutter, but the leaves aren't going in.   They either blow away with the next wind, or can be easily brushed off. 


It was the most clever adaptation ... and I wondered why no one ever thought of it sooner!  Very clever!






If you are talking about "Leaf Filter Brand"? We had it installed years ago because of our couple hundred Maple trees, and others.


If only they worked as well as their TV ads it would be great. When maple leaves get wet, they get heavy. And unless it's a tsunami, they ain't gonna blow off. They gradually turn to grit, which plugs up the whole system.


Ours came with a lifetime warranty so I call them up and argue with them every year. They eventually come out and clean them, but when they change local managers, the fight is on every time.


In theory they look good, but. Maybe for those that have a half dozen trees, but a forest like ours!  They do not work as advertised.


hckynut 🇺🇸




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Oh, darn!   Sorry they don't work as well on the commercials.   Huh.