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Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

This is the first I knew of it and I DON"T like it.

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Re: Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

It's your state that decides on whether any retailer taxes you.

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Re: Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

I've always paid tax. I live in CA.

_____ ,,,^ ._. ^,,,_____
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Re: Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

Hi, Gato.

I've always paid tax too. I'm in Illinois.

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Re: Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

I live in Kansas, I think it was last year when we got charged taxes~

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Re: Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

Yes, it depends on your state. I've always had to pay tax. I live in Ky.

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Re: Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

If I order on line, no tax. If I order by phone, tax.

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Re: Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

Tax is set by each state I think.
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Re: Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

On 1/4/2015 Krimpette said:

If I order on line, no tax. If I order by phone, tax.

Exactly! But not anymore. Have you ordered this year online? You may be in for a surprise.

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Re: Since when did HSN start adding tax to orders?

State decision - talk to your legislators. Tell them how you want to pay for roads and parks and schools and medical care and police and whatever else your state spends money to provide.