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i would NOT want to dress like people did back in the  40s or 50s.  When I do see someone wearing pjs in public, it's often an older person (like me) ,  who looks like they are having difficulty getting around.

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Not moi ,in those pajamas.! 🤣

Idk, how could leave your house in that get-up, and be taken seriously 😒 🙄 😐 😑
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I was in  Galloway NJ  , early Dec one year . An entire family of 4 generations of women  dressed in the same  printed PJ's all came down to the breakfast area at the hotel where I was staying . Yes, the entire family all in the same print PJ's like you see in that Pajamagram  catalog . It was something

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Towns in Maine have a sales event called "Pajama Party," where the gift stores open up for locals in the off-season after Thanksgiving--but they must be in their pajamas to get the discount. 


I attended with my sister once during a visit, and it was so much fun!  The bargains, and a man with a beard in his long-johns, and other people just going with the theme and being goofy.    Maine also has a town in which when the residents start to go crazy with the long winter, in March, they indulge in nude bowling.  Or they did a few years ago; global warming is even changing Maine....

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@Kachina624 Nope! That is crossing the line. I will wear my faded jeans and a flannel shirt to the grocery, but that is a low as I go on the dress code scale.



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@Kachina624 @cheriere   My first thought was, "They must be at Walmart."  I do remember when people dressed nicely when going shopping, the airport, church and many other places.

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@Kachina624   It's not me either but I see it and just think people just don't care. I just came back from a quick grocery store run. There was a lady walking into the store by me. Maybe in her 6Os (like me) with a very thin t-shirt and no bra. Sorry but she was large and hanging down low and it looked bad. I was so tempted to say "lady you need to put a bra or a sweater on" but of course it's none of my business so I didn't. I don't know what people are thinking. 

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@SilleeMee   That's a good one!

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Not me since I don't wear pj's. Birthday suit is much more comfortable.  

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@Mersha wrote:

I read an amusing definition of "style" on Facebook:


"My style is I did not think I had to get out of the car." Smiley Happy


I will ask dh when I have to drive him somewhere and I am still in my workout clothes, do I have to get out of the car? If I have to get out of car, I need 15 more minutes. He shakes his head wondering why I would care. I tell him I have no intention of being one of those people other people say...can you believe she left her house like that?





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