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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

I believe in redemption I really do, and quality of mercy.  I also believe sometimes you just pay for your crime, even if you are forgiven and change. Do I believe if they got out they would do the same thing?  No. I doubt it.  But neither would half the people in prison.  I truely believe they are looking for a pardon higher up and feel they have a chance. I myself believe unless they have DNA evidence, and can prove they didn't kill their parents they did what they did, and they must pay according to law.  There are some circumstances that have come up over the years and people have been paroled early.  It's rare, but I don't think these brothers qualify. Think about it , most of the people in prison were abused, most worse that they were with none of their privlidges .   It's our system, until there is another, ....

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

@Nana2158 wrote:

Premeditated murders. The behavior after the murders speaks volumes on the true motivation always was money, follow the money. Two spoiled brats. Handed the best schools money could buy. Both lazy, unlikely they would ever achieve success in life. Hope they never see freedom. 



I agree with you.  I didn't know that one of the "boys" reloaded his gun to finish killing his mother.  I read about another case about a mercy killing and the guy was convicted because it was discovered that he reloaded his gun.  In the court's eyes this showed premeditation.

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

Pecky:  Good point.


(I haven't seen any of the documentaries.)



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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

For what it's worth, no I don't think they should be released. Have their sexual abuse accusations been proven?? Nope, I think they're cold, calculating, and devoid of empathy. They did the crime, now they need to do the time. 

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

I am not a believer in convicted, criminals, getting less time because they are model prisoners. Well, good for them, but they still have to pay the price of the crime committed. That is the bottom line.
I agree that the way they acted after killing their parents, speaks volumes. Sexual abuse is brought up in a lot of cases in order to not get the death penalty. That's what Casey Anderson did and many others. We really don't know if they were sexually abused though.
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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

I can see both sides, so I just don’t know. I highly doubt they would be a danger to society if released. It seems to me that they have been behind bars long enough. Is there a way to prevent them from making money money off their crime if released?
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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

[ Edited ]

No, I don't believe that they should get out. The part that I just cannot get past is reloading to make sure their mother was dead. Still makes me weep all these years later.


I watched that trial back in the day. My takeaway was that they were liars and manipulators. I never did see any remorse. IMO, they were acting and their attorney was handling them as mere babes in the woods. She even dressed them a certain way to look like school boys. It seemed like a charade that never convinced me.



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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

@lgfan wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@lgfan wrote:

No, they should not be released.  They are money hungry opportunists.  I didn't buy their sexual abuse accusations then and I don't buy it now.  They should stay in jail.




Jose Menendez sexually abused other boys, as well, not just his sons.  You don't think this is relevant to their case?  






We will never know will we if he sexually abused other boys because he is dead and cannot defend himself.  Why didn't this come up in their two trials?




I believe the other boys he abused are still alive, and not all information presented to the police was "allowed" during the trial.   


Think about that for a moment.  




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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

Prisons are crowded.


It might be a good idea to find out which inmates have been genuinely very helpful, have been volunteering for 'this and that' projects, have been studying subjects that might improve their lives, etc.


Actually, this might be a goal for other inmates to follow.  


Improving themselves, being useful, etc. is a good thing, in the long run.


It wouldn't hurt to find those other inmates and give them some sort of break in their sentences.  


Just thinking out loud right now.









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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

All this talk about why didn't they leave. Why not ask the same question of grownups.