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Re: She wished it would happen to her

@Desert Lily  Thank you for that beautiful dream and image of your brought back memories I cherish of my mom when I was a youngster...we are blessed to have such wonderful memories!

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Re: She wished it would happen to her

What a wonderful story @Desert Lily , Mom always and forever looking after us.  My own as been on my mind more than usual with Mother's Day coming up.  We lost her just three days after that Mother's Day in 2013.  How much she would have loved being a Great Grandmother.  I have to believe she does get glimpses of me with my grandchildren born after she went home.  I just wish I could have seen her holding them.

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Re: She wished it would happen to her

[ Edited ]

@dex wrote:

I had a visitation from my dog.She had a bad hip and had trouble getting down stairs before she passed.She also panted a lot at that time.I had fallen asleep on the couch and was awoken by her clumping down the stairs and then I heard her panting in my ear.I called her name and reached out to pick her up but she was gone.

@dex  How wonderful, so close yet so far!  I too have these dream visitations from several beloved passed kitties but mostly Mr. Taylor for he brought me through some rough times.

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Re: She wished it would happen to her

I experienced one of these "visitations" after my mother passed.  It was a pleasant dream where she answered my questions and told me that she was OK.  And I will never forget how it comforted me.  Did someone else walk your pup?

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Re: She wished it would happen to her

Just want to say a visitation is wonderful.  But for those who have never experienced any sort of visitation, know that your loved one loves you just as much.  I am missing my mom so much lately, as Mothers Day approaches.  After almost 10 years, I still imagine her coming to our kitchen door, always with some baked goodies.  And no matter what I was going through, she would say “Honey, it’s going to be all right.”

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Re: She wished it would happen to her

I was startled out of my sleep once last year by my father calling my name.  Still not certain what that was about.  He is still living.

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Re: She wished it would happen to her

Easter just left and Mother's Day is approaching; it's logical that you would be thinking about your mother, even if just subconsiously.  It's only been 3 years for you, it's recent loss.  I would periodically dream about my mother for several years after I lost her.  I still do occasionally.  Those types of dreams are comforting, it's how we keep the person we loved close to us.  

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Re: She wished it would happen to her

@Mombo1Whata beautiful moment you must of had to feel your sweet furbaby near and healthy.

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Re: She wished it would happen to her

I have thought of my mom everyday since she passed away 9 years ago. I don’t think I have dreamed about her.
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Re: She wished it would happen to her

I read your visitation post yesterday about your Mom, and possibilities about why you had this brief dream.  It was interesting that you also dream in color.  I do too. 


My Mom also passed not quite 3 years ago.  I do think about her daily and miss her terribly, but I KNOW FOR SURE she is in a much better place.  Anyway, last night I had a brief dream.  I want to write it before I forget it.  I was on a trip, away from the family home, but I called her to let her know I was only 110 miles away from home, and that I should be arriving quite early in the morning.  Maybe around 10am or so, so I told her I'd "see you in the morning".  Then I woke up realizing this couldn't be right.  I had to be more than 110 miles away and more than 2 hours driving because I was several states away.  And I couldn't call her back to let her know because - I had woken up from the dream.  So I was in a mild state of distress about not being able to let her know.


And that's it.  110 miles.  See you in the morning.  Telephone call.  Dreams are so weird.

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