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She is a much better woman than I am!!

I just read about a woman who is pregnant with her 10th baby.  Not unusual, but her oldest is.....9 yrs. old.


She has had 11 pregnancies in 10 yrs, of marriage. Seven singles, fraternal twins, 2 miscarriages and her current pregnancy.  The single babies were in her words Irish Twins.


The 9 yr. old was born just before her 26th birthday,


They are beautiful kids, but I just can't imagine that many small kids at one time.  The diapers alone are a daunting thought to say nothing of when they all get sick at the same time.  Like I said,a better woman I am.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

I don't know if she's a better woman, hopefully she has help and is rich enough to give the kids what they need. If not, I would have to question her mental stability, nobody's that Catholic. LOL

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

I don't get where you think she is a better woman than you are.  Different maybe, not betterWoman Happy

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@DearPrudence wrote:

I don't get where you think she is a better woman than you are.  Different maybe, not betterWoman Happy

Yeah, I don’t get the ‘better’ angle.

Just because one has lots of babies...

well, it just makes them having lots of babies.

That’s all. 

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

Not as many as 10 but my SIL has 8 stairsteps,  each 10 to 11 months apart.   No twins.  2 born in the same year though.  She's in her mid 30's but looks older.


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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

Is her last name Duggar?

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

I know that it's not correct to say this, but I don't understand the motivation. You can love and adore children without having a classroom full in your own house.


And I say this regardless of income.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

I don't think she's "better."  I think she's irresponsible and borderline stupid.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

I don't see it as a positive thing.  Why on earth would anyone want to be pregnant so many times, so quickly in succession?  Is she trying for her own baseball team or something?


How about doing her bit to keep the population explosion down?  It certainly doesn't make her a better woman than me or anyone else.




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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

I think everyone is different.  I try not to judge people.  I don't always suceed.  I'm a work in progress.


As I've gotten older I'm more of the live and let live person.  My oldest daughter has 5 children; 4 surviving children.  Three of the children are teenagers.


They were all born 'by design'.  I mean they were totally planned, just like mine were and probably many of your's were.  


Who are any of us to judge someone else?  The only time it would bother me is if the children weren't taken care of.  The only way you'd really know that is to try to visit the house and see ALL of the situation.


I think too often though children are suffering because people don't want to get involved.  There are ways of making sure a child is being cared for.


I've always been one to step up if I see something.  However, like I said, before I'd interceed when it comes to children, I'd do my best to get the correct information and not just base my opinion on here say or what I see on the surface.


Children are very honest and most haven't been taught to lie.....yet.  If you talk to them, they'll usually tell you something honestly.


I think though, sometimes people don't realize how difficult raising children can be and is.  


It's a 'job' that never really ends.  I say that because, even as adults they are still on your mind and in your hearts.


There's nothing like it though when your daughter repeats something that you used to say to her.  Here's a hint to all those young mothers...."Never (I repeat never) say, "That's exactly what I used to say to you".  Ha!  Just when they're out of sight jump up and down and say, "Yea"!  Ha!