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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Weekend to All Friday 1/16/15

Shabbot Shalom all, stay warm to those of us in the North East and oh yes I really need this weekend

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Weekend to All Friday 1/16/15

Shabbat Shalom! Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful weekend. May those beset by illness be restored to good health. Thank you Sunny for the the gift of friendship, camaraderie and community we enjoy each week!

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Weekend to All Friday 1/16/15

Shabbat Shalom everyone. It would have been my parents 61st wedding anniversary tomorrow. So, tonight on Shabbos, I made homemade chicken soup and a chicken dinner. I live alone and don't normally make a lot, but felt the need. I'm just discovering soup making and thought I would do it in honor of my parents. I wish the Jewish cemetary here was open on Sat so I could visit.

It gets rough during those memorial dates that remind you of your loved ones.

Hope everyone is well. Thanks for your kindness here.

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Weekend to All Friday 1/16/15

Daring, nothing like a good bowl of soup to soothe you! Bet your parents were watching you making your delicious meal!

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Weekend to All Friday 1/16/15

On 1/16/2015 hennypenny said:

Daring, nothing like a good bowl of soup to soothe you! Bet your parents were watching you making your delicious meal!

Thanks for sharing that. Just the aroma of the soup cooking reminds me of holidays at home with them. I never paid much attention to my Mom when she cooked until I got older. I was always the baker in the family as a kid, not so much interested in cooking. My Mom was such a good cook.

Isn't it funny how just simple things like soup or a familiar smell can evoke memories so precious. Only relationships of love can spark that sense of longing and connection in our lives.

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Weekend to All Friday 1/16/15

Hope all who observe are having a peaceful Shabbat. Stay warm and safe everyone!

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Weekend to All Friday 1/16/15

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I am so late, but I did not want any more time to pass before checking in.

Good Shabbos to all who observe.

Sunny and Ellen, thank you for the good thoughts for Mom.

Ellen, I hope the two weeks fly by for you.

I made a big pot of pasta fagiole. Help yourself.

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