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Registered: ‎04-20-2010

thanks to everyone who replied....


someone asked if I had ever seen the person again...frankly, I don't recall every seeing him again after that time...I think I probably minimized the incident as simply being never really occurred to me that it was an assault until just a few year ago...

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@mstyrion 1 wrote:

@esmerelda wrote:

@mstyrion 1 wrote:

@esmerelda wrote:

"Repressed memories"...can be a dangerous thing.


Since you mentioned this never happened to you, I can assure you that if you experienced a sexual assault in your teens or twenties like the OP mentioned, there would be no "repressed" memory.  The memory doesn't leave you.


The statistics on how many women have been sexually assaulted in one form or another are staggering.  One in five women report being raped.  The incidence of non-rape sexual assault are much higher. 


Let's not go down the path of debating "repressed memory". That term doesn't even really apply here.

Of course the memory doesn't leave you.  Although it can change over time.  You might remember it differently.  The more traumatic the memory, the more emotional you are about it, the more likely it is to "change."  Like the "eyewitness"...not always so reliable.


Broadly over-stated.


Again.  Since you've never experienced a sexual assault, I don't think you can speak with authority regarding the memory.

@mstyrion 1...My comments weren't about "the memory."  What "the memory" are you talking about anyway?")  They can apply to any memory.  I've heard people...IRL, not "cyber people"...relate events that I was familiar with first hand and the story they told was different from what I remembered.  One of us was remembering incorrectly.


So...memories, about anything, can and do change over time.



Keepin' it real.
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The bottom line is: if anyone EVER does ANYTHING that you did not consent to, or makes you uncomfortable -- it is NOT ok. That's what we need to be teaching every child and young person. 

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I had many experiences with older men touching me when I was young and my mom told me that when I was older I would be happy that men found me attractive.As I got out  Into the workforce these advances continued and really no one thought they were inappropriate.This all happened during the sixties and seventies when it seems the world had a different attitude.i put up with a lot of extremely rude advances but thankfully nothing more.


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Registered: ‎06-29-2010

@dex Same here.  I was a magnet for men/males when I was too young to know how the world worked.  However, later in life, I am not flattered that those males gave me unsolicited attention.  I had a boy behave inappropristely to me when I was in the sixth grade and it affected me for many years.  Later stalkers and harassing males would show up.  We do need to report and take action when violators tinge our lives with their poison, because later in life, we will recall things and have to deal with the burdens. 

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust