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Do you want to pay for their lobster and cocktails when y'all ordered chicken and ice tea?
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With us it depends on who we are dining with.  Sometimes we split the check evenly, sometimes we get separate checks. And sometimes we alternate paying the whole check for everyone.


 Everyone has their way that is most comfortable for them.  Personally I don't care, thankfully, money isn't a concern for us, anymore.


My husband has a friend and wife who never allowed us to pay for anything.  He is very generous.  But, this makes us uncomfortable.


We once went on a 10 day vacation with them to Cape Cod and Bar Harbor, Maine.  I suggested, each couple place $1000 cash into a purse and use that for food.  It worked out well.  Everyone ordered what they wanted to and their was no fighting over the check. I paid for the food and tip from the purse.


There was money left over after we came home, so the other lady and I took half each.  It was the perfect way to handle going out to eat with fighting and we all felt it was fair.


Some people take advantage of others when splitting the check 50/50 which as lead to hard feelings, so they now ask for separate checks each and every time with everyone.  I can understand that and would not take offense.



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@MamaWick wrote:
Do you want to pay for their lobster and cocktails when y'all ordered chicken and ice tea?

Anyone who orders expensive entrees have always paid the entire bill. We would never burden the waitress with needing to make up separate checks. 🥺

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Separate checks are "a thing" for a reason lol, so no one should feel offended. When I dine with friends, one of us will make that request before the server takes the order; they appreciate the heads up.

What worries you masters you.
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i never ask for separate checks.


i noticed a sign at a restaurant at the delaware beaches. it stated "no separate checks, 3 credit card maximum per table." i am sure it is a pain for them to have to create 12 separate checks, for example, and keep track if you have a big table.


we either take care of the bill if we have invited someone OR split the bill evenly. i always prefer to leave a cash tip also.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@sunshine45   That is what we do also.


When is your grandbaby due?

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF
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@Mersha wrote:

@sunshine45   That is what we do also.


When is your grandbaby due?



july wont be long now!

thank goodness my daughter is feeling good, active, and working hopefully up until she has to go to the hospital! we just spent 5 days at the beach together and enjoyed the peace. Smiley Happy

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Separate checks ??

[ Edited ]

Separate checks yes, but not in front of everyone.


I would catch the waiter or waitress away from the table to discretely tell them.


I think saying this in front of everyone is crass unless all agreed beforehand.

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Out to eat with friends?


Always have asked for separate checks.

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We have one couple we go to dinner with who always says separate checks and that is fine. 


Another couple who always pays as he is reciprocating to DH for all the assistance he renders to this couple.


We have another group of 3 couples and take turns paying the entire bill.  
Doesn't really matter who pays as it will eventually even up.


We used to have a group of around 8 couples who went out together on the weekends for dinner and then somewhere to dance.  I have no idea how the bill was figured but the guys always put money on the table for dinner.  The rest of the night rounds were bought with the guys alternating.  We all have aged out of this group.


When I have lunch with women friends we get separate checks.  It is never more than 2 or 3 of us.