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Re: Selling way to much food

And to add insult to injury,they have Sharon hosting so much.Watching her roll her eyes,eat like she is in the throes of passion,and talk while doing so is so gross!!!

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Re: Selling way to much food

On 4/29/2014 birkin baby said:

And to add insult to injury,they have Sharon hosting so much.Watching her roll her eyes,eat like she is in the throes of passion,and talk while doing so is so gross!!!

Yes, you are right. Dan Wheeler is on a lot of the food shows too. I don't enjoy seeing him on the food shows at all. That is why I seldom watch.

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Re: Selling way to much food

On 4/29/2014 Daysdee said:
On 4/29/2014 birkin baby said:

And to add insult to injury,they have Sharon hosting so much.Watching her roll her eyes,eat like she is in the throes of passion,and talk while doing so is so gross!!!

Yes, you are right. Dan Wheeler is on a lot of the food shows too. I don't enjoy seeing him on the food shows at all. That is why I seldom watch.

I don't like to watch him do food shows either;but it's better than watching him (and Albany) do Zumba!!! LOL!

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Re: Selling way to much food

*too much (sorry, but this drives me nuts!)

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Re: Selling way to much food

I just turned on QVC --- food. HSN --- food!


"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: Selling way to much food

On 4/28/2014 millieshops said:

Seems to me if QVC didn't show much of what we each don't like, they'd have to go out of business.

For example, OP doesn't want to see food so often. I don't want to see silver jewelry or career-oriented clothing.

And I just happened to think, I don't often watch when they show mattresses or pots and pans or Breezies bras or....

One of these days, some genius will figure out how to let us watch only what we want when we want it. In the meantime..... I have a remote and don't even have to move to change channels the way I did when my family got its first TV. So easy!

Boy, isn't that the truth!

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Re: Selling way to much food

I don't have a television, so I don't have the choices you have.

"The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."
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Re: Selling way to much food

Plus, I'm not a TV watcher, per se. I READ mostly. I do a lot of work from home, so, my my computer is always on and I switch around the shopping channels when I take "breaks". I've purchased some wonderful things on the QVC and HSN. Food ain't one of them. Sorry if my opinion offends anyone.

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Re: Selling way to much food

I don't care for the food shows, especially the prices. 5 lbs of small shrimp $85.00 ?

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Re: Selling way to much food

They say you shouldn't grocery shop on an empty stomach. That's what you do on those late afternoon food shows. I don't watch them but it amazes me that so many people are eager to buy this overpriced stuff. Our economy must be doing just fine.
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