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Does anyone else have headaches at the change of seasons?  I guess that's what I have right now.


Not debilitating, most of the time, but very annoying and uncomfortable.  I'd rather have my eyes shut.  I know, there are meds and I do have them, but that's not good all the time either.  They feed off of each other.


Not BP, not eyes, tension?, maybe, change in weather fronts?, maybe.  Sometimes migraine.  Oh, well, as long as I can function, even if not 100%, I guess I'll live.

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I get terrible sinus headaches, sometimes sinus migraines.  I can predict a weather front better than any meteorologist out there.   


Usually an OTC combination of Sudefed D plus 3 Advil does the trick but sometimes I'm down all day with a sinus migraine.   

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Check your allergen readings...local weather websites usually posts these.....  I can tell when molds are high....for my friends its ragweed and fall Elm which is prevelant this time of year in our area...Weather patterns can definitely impact your health and cause headaches and other symptoms to occur...

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I have been on migraine med.'s since the middle 80's and had to go through a few years of Allergy shots in the late 90's due to 11 sinus infections in 12 months.  No more shots and only about 2-4 infections per year now.  But my word when I get a sinus headache with a migraine the pain is unbelievable.  If I do not get rid of my migraine in the second day there will most definitely be a third.  The fourth day I feel completely "hung over".  Sinus headaches are always in Feb.- Apr. then again in Aug. - Oct.  or so.  Seasonal as clockwork.

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Not with the change of season, but with pressure/barometric changes.


I also get seasonal headaches because of allergies. I have a pollen calendar from my doctor's office that shows when in the year each pollen type usually creeps up, peaks, and creeps down in my area. I use that to plan my medications all year.


For the last 3 years, I've been getting worse at the peak of ragweed season and I've never been allergic to ragweed. The first year, the doctor told me that ragweed pollen was so high they were seeing a huge uptick in people coming in to complain and it wasn't a true allergy, it was just because the pollen was so thick that the particulate levels were high enough to impact everyone's eyes, nose, and throat. I'm going to get retested and start allergy shots again.

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I noticed last week, I had terrible allergy headaches.  I can defintely see the pattern of headaches with the change of seasons. 


When it's very humid out, I get a dull headache. 

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Headaches are symptoms.  I don't think anyone gets a headache because it's October or because it's Autumn.  I have Fall allergies so in addition to the water eyes, sore and scratchy throat, I also get a headache.  I know my headache is allergy related because I've gone through this for 20 years and Benadryl helps with all my symptoms,  all of which end after the first hard frost.  It sounds like you have no handle at all on your headaches so, if they are bothering you, you should see your doctor or take a couple of aspirin for relief.

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Re: Seasonal Headaches

[ Edited ]

Yes, sinus headaches that go away once mold and pollen counts drop. I've noticed changes in the barometric pressure can be a factor too.

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I took Hubby to a ear, nose, throat  specialists.  He ended up having surgery.  The Dr. said he had never seen sinuous more impacted. Went in for checkup yesterday hubby said he feels great now.

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I get them too, in fact, I have one right now.  I supposed they are due to a change in barametric pressure, or something weather-related.  No actual proof of course.

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