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Re: TMI at the checkout today!

Funny how many get their knickers in a twist about a worker doing

multiple tasks within their job, implying they somehow, someway

they’re carrying human excrement to a customer purchase...


but yet....


eat, without a blink of an eye....

meat, cheese, milk, eggs which have all sorts of

animal feces, blood, bone & pus contained within the food product..

but that’s another conversation for another thread.


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Re: TMI at the checkout today!

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how many get their knickers in a twist about a worker doing

multiple tasks within their job, implying they somehow, someway

they’re carrying human excrement to a customer purchase...


but yet....


eat, without a blink of an eye....

meat, cheese, milk, eggs which have all sorts of

animal feces, blood, bone & pus contained within the food product..

but that’s another conversation for another thread.




I saw a thread about tainted meat on the Wellness board not long ago and not many responses resulted, but when the same was posted about romaine lettuce this past summer there were dozens of posts and more than one thread.


I wondered why hardly anyone cared about the infected meat but so many were apoplectic about the lettuce.

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Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: TMI at the checkout today!

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how many get their knickers in a twist about a worker doing

multiple tasks within their job, implying they somehow, someway

they’re carrying human excrement to a customer purchase...


but yet....


eat, without a blink of an eye....

meat, cheese, milk, eggs which have all sorts of

animal feces, blood, bone & pus contained within the food product..

but that’s another conversation for another thread.




I saw a thread about tainted meat on the Wellness board not long ago and not many responses resulted, but when the same was posted about romaine lettuce this past summer there were dozens of posts and more than one thread.


I wondered why hardly anyone cared about the infected meat but so many were apoplectic about the lettuce.


(spitting out my water)

That is so s.p.o.t on.

Nailed it!

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Re: TMI at the checkout today!

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how many get their knickers in a twist about a worker doing

multiple tasks within their job, implying they somehow, someway

they’re carrying human excrement to a customer purchase...


but yet....


eat, without a blink of an eye....

meat, cheese, milk, eggs which have all sorts of

animal feces, blood, bone & pus contained within the food product..

but that’s another conversation for another thread.




I saw a thread about tainted meat on the Wellness board not long ago and not many responses resulted, but when the same was posted about romaine lettuce this past summer there were dozens of posts and more than one thread.


I wondered why hardly anyone cared about the infected meat but so many were apoplectic about the lettuce.




Maybe people eat more romaine than meat. 

I do. I am not vegan and never plan to be, but I don't eat meat at every meal. More salads. I get my protein from eggs, cheese and seafood. Some poultry.


Please no lectures. I have no interest  in plant based eating.

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Posts: 14,488
Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: TMI at the checkout today!

[ Edited ]

@Ms tyrion2 wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how many get their knickers in a twist about a worker doing

multiple tasks within their job, implying they somehow, someway

they’re carrying human excrement to a customer purchase...


but yet....


eat, without a blink of an eye....

meat, cheese, milk, eggs which have all sorts of

animal feces, blood, bone & pus contained within the food product..

but that’s another conversation for another thread.




I saw a thread about tainted meat on the Wellness board not long ago and not many responses resulted, but when the same was posted about romaine lettuce this past summer there were dozens of posts and more than one thread.


I wondered why hardly anyone cared about the infected meat but so many were apoplectic about the lettuce.




Maybe people eat more romaine than meat. 

I do. I am not vegan and never plan to be, but I don't eat meat at every meal. More salads. I get my protein from eggs, cheese and seafood. Some poultry.


Please no lectures. I have no interest  in plant based eating.

@Ms tyrion2


I have no interest in giving a "lecture". I don't lecture anyone about diet.  I simply share my experiences and thoughts (and not even much of that anymore), so I don't know where the "don't lecture me" came from.   I was just curious about the responses to both the meat tainted thread and the romaine tainted one.


Even if you only eat meat once a week surely you would be interested in the quality of it.  That's what I would think, anyway.  Only one time could make you very ill, whether it's from meat, dairy, or produce..





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Re: TMI at the checkout today!

Of course I wash my produce, and no, it was not a joke. Was there a problem with my post?
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Re: TMI at the checkout today!

@Scooby Doo@Yup I know.I carry my purse cross body and bring wipes for the cart handle

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Re: TMI at the checkout today!

[ Edited ]

I thought there was more romaine affected. It seemed like it kept happening. Wasn't it from Arizona or somethings? I stopped buying romaine and bagged lettuce. I only buy iceberg now  and throw the outer leaves to the groundhog.

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Re: TMI at the checkout today!

@QueenDanceALot@Because many people are vegetarian and also lettuce is eaten raw.The meat isn’t as dangerous to eat if it is thoroughly cooked.The illness was severe and can kill those with weaker systems.

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Re: TMI at the checkout today!

Wow I certainly am amazed at the snarky responses to my post! Am not sure why it was taken as offensive....but I think everyone over age 12 probably knows to wash produce thoroughly before eating it....