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Had to turn her off tonight. Talking a mile a minute. Everything is"wildly" popular.

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She trips over her own words.  If she's the host, I don't even bother to watch her. Even worse if it's her and Mary D.

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I sense the day is fast approaching where the only way I will be able to watch anything on QVC will be with the sound turned off. 


But then there's that one particular host I can't stand to watch even on mute! 😩

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@PansyBoo wrote:

I sense the day is fast approaching where the only way I will be able to watch anything on QVC will be with the sound turned off. 


But then there's that one particular host I can't stand to watch even on mute! 😩

After being a customer since 1990 in recent years I have done a lot of using mute on my tv because it seems like to many hyper host,or childish one  with their giggling , or ones who just take over and the vendor looks like why am I even here.

Lately I find myself going online like right now 5:30 AM,having my cup of coffee, and going to read the forums and then go to "what is on"  clicking for the day or even the whole week to see what was on.

I find  it a very calming way,will admit I lose  out when I see waitlist but saving money as I say did you really need that.

But will agree not  finding myself talking back to the tv telling the host calm down and  shut up and let the vendor talk.


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Re: Sandra Bennett

[ Edited ]

She's marvelous!  Gorgeous,  always prepared and put together and highly professional!


My favorite host and among the best in the business. 

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I've always really liked Sandra too.  Lately though, I have noticed she is a lot more talkative and animated when she's on.

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I can't imagine being a host and having to talk about most of the products aired. I'd find it boring and would repeat a lot of same lines too.

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@CalminHeart  that is true.

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Sandra is a favorite of mine for many reasons. 

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I've always enjoyed her calm demeanor. Watched her for a few minutes last night and she was a bit overly excited. I don't think it's her fault, I think she's doing what the producers are telling her to do. I find myself shopping more and more on the "items recently on air" link on the home page but miss out on the one time only prices.