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@Sunnycorle wrote:

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

How long have you known about the salary cap?  It sounds as though you are stuck at your present job and salary.  Looking for a new job would be near impossible for many reasons.  How good are your benefits?


Im thinking a 2nd job is your only choice.


Good luck

2024 year will be the 3rd year.  I am stuck.  I do make a good salary and I do have excellent benefits.  My heart is in the job and what we do and I really care about all the people i work with, its tough!  I am a breast cancer provider and I do credit my job as saving my life with the excellent insurance and great understanding during my treatments.  I worked thru all my treatment except for surgery but that was just 2 weeks off.  lumpectomy.  so its just hard for me to think about leaving.  

I know I sound like a jerk but a salary cap is really not right!  i just want to be treated fairly.


You're being more loyal to the company than they seem to be with you. Think about that.


I know someone that worked for a company for over 20 years, gave them everything they had (high stress level), was paid well, great benefits, etc. Then certain circumstances made looking elsewhere a good idea. This person quickly got a job with excellent benefits, great pay, better area for living, improved work/life balance, etc. On top of that, how things ended with the former employer revealed that they were just another cog in the wheel and replaceable (or so they thought - they would come to miss what they had in this stellar employee).


Good luck. Stay positive. You may be surprised to find something much better.

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@Fressa wrote:

Sonnycort---I had a similar situation. My duties and promotions expanded over the years but my increases didn't match the additional duties/responsiblities. I finally reached the level that I qualified for quaterly bonuses. Depending on the laws in your state and your corporation there is little that you can control in the pay situatiion. 

You can get another job or second job but if you still enjoy your current position then I would not jepordize that income. It's an emploers market currently and profits are not where most companies want them to be. Employees are on the shorter end of this situation. It's not fair or right but it's business. Decide if your job meets your present needs. You may have to wait it out for a couple of years before a major change. 

Good Luck.

Thank you for taking your time to write this message.  Such good advice!  

I copied it and put it on a word doc with my orginal post so I can read it often when I get frustrated.  


I sooo appreciate the ladies on these boards!!


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@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@Sunnycorle wrote:

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

How long have you known about the salary cap?  It sounds as though you are stuck at your present job and salary.  Looking for a new job would be near impossible for many reasons.  How good are your benefits?


Im thinking a 2nd job is your only choice.


Good luck

2024 year will be the 3rd year.  I am stuck.  I do make a good salary and I do have excellent benefits.  My heart is in the job and what we do and I really care about all the people i work with, its tough!  I am a breast cancer provider and I do credit my job as saving my life with the excellent insurance and great understanding during my treatments.  I worked thru all my treatment except for surgery but that was just 2 weeks off.  lumpectomy.  so its just hard for me to think about leaving.  

I know I sound like a jerk but a salary cap is really not right!  i just want to be treated fairly.


You're being more loyal to the company than they seem to be with you. Think about that.


I know someone that worked for a company for over 20 years, gave them everything they had (high stress level), was paid well, great benefits, etc. Then certain circumstances made looking elsewhere a good idea. This person quickly got a job with excellent benefits, great pay, better area for living, improved work/life balance, etc. On top of that, how things ended with the former employer revealed that they were just another cog in the wheel and replaceable (or so they thought - they would come to miss what they had in this stellar employee).


Good luck. Stay positive. You may be surprised to find something much better.

You all rock!  I am glad that I reached out this morning.  you all get it.  I think i will start looking on what is out there!  

i have a director that acts like the money comes out of his own pocket.  Ugh

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@SilleeMee wrote:

Because of inflation, and the availability of jobs, many people are working more than one job to make ends meet. I would consider working a second job until you can no longer stand it. Sock away the money or spend down debt.

Wow this is the United States, no one should have to work two jobs, unfortunately this is the case for a lot of people.  Wages do not keep up with the cost of living.  Why is it that rent never has a cap.  In the 70's and 80's one job would support you and you had insurance.  However we can always send millions to other countries but people who live here get tossed aside.  Anyone who has been loyal to a company and is doing a good job should be paid their worth in their job.   Not sure why the more advanced we get the more behind the working class gets.  In Reno they are building apartments on any vacant land they can find but none of the rent reflects what working people in Reno can afford.  And on top of it these apartments have no extras, no pools etc.. I know this is a rant but employees should not have a cap.  CEO's do not have caps. Whew had to get this out lol.

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@sunshine 919 wrote:

@SilleeMee wrote:

Because of inflation, and the availability of jobs, many people are working more than one job to make ends meet. I would consider working a second job until you can no longer stand it. Sock away the money or spend down debt.

Wow this is the United States, no one should have to work two jobs, unfortunately this is the case for a lot of people.  Wages do not keep up with the cost of living.  Why is it that rent never has a cap.  In the 70's and 80's one job would support you and you had insurance.  However we can always send millions to other countries but people who live here get tossed aside.  Anyone who has been loyal to a company and is doing a good job should be paid their worth in their job.   Not sure why the more advanced we get the more behind the working class gets.  In Reno they are building apartments on any vacant land they can find but none of the rent reflects what working people in Reno can afford.  And on top of it these apartments have no extras, no pools etc.. I know this is a rant but employees should not have a cap.  CEO's do not have caps. Whew had to get this out lol.

Its important that we discuss this stuff becuase holding it in is not good!  You are so right on the money with what you wrote!  We just hired a new CEO since our excellent one is retiring.  I am sure that person is getting 100's of thousands of dollars and probably will not have to relocate either.  its really unbalanced!  I reread your post and it just makes me so extremely sad!  I don't have childeren but what is going to happen to the next generations?  Scary stuff.

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As you look around at different possible jobs, remember if you make more taxes will bite you.


You will see taxes for different income amounts when tax tables come out.  You can see if an increase in income will be in your pocket or going to taxes. and be a rough guide for the next few years.

Make sure you will make enough extra to make it worth while.


Around here, grocery stores offer flexible hours which you need, good pay, and benefits.

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@ECBG wrote:



As you look around at different possible jobs, remember if you make more taxes will bite you.


You will see taxes for different income amounts when tax tables come out.  You can see if an increase in income will be in your pocket or going to taxes. and be a rough guide for the next few years.

Make sure you will make enough extra to make it worth while.


Around here, grocery stores offer flexible hours which you need, good pay, and benefits.

So true!  Death and Taxes right!   I adore the ladies on these boards!



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@Sunnycorle My thoughts only.  You have to understand you have topped out of your job code for salary incentive.  You will need to make the hard decision to stay with it and ride it out or go find something else.  Your age range will be an issue finding another advanced job, very sad, but the way it is.  Not saying you cant go right out and find something else, but the salary range will continue being an issue.  You will be going in on the high side and again hard to move that salary up. I wish you the best.

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Well, I was kinda in that situation for many years before I moved up in my company. we had salary ranges that were upped every years so you could get into the upper range but the goal post kept moving. You were eligible for promotion if you reached the max but it was hard to reach that max as it changed yearly. I got very good evaluations & took every course the company offered. HR acknowledged I should be promoted but there was no position to be promoted to.

So I decided to leave & luckily spoke to the EVP of my dept & he was also the EVP for HR. He gave me very wise advice, at my age, in the 50s as well, think about my pension & benefits that add value to your salary. I always got good bonuses. By not giving salary raises & giving bonuses, it works out better for the Company. Our bonuses weren’t based on salary tho. Now, the environment is tough for companies with inflation, increased minimum wages, increased expenses so budgets are tight, I imagine. All companies have to make a profit.

So my solution was to go back to school & re direct my career. The company paid for 4 degrees & I did very well in the end. I worked for a NYC Insurance Company.

So I’d seek other opportunities in your company & if you have a pension program & good benefits I’d not give them up if you are in your 50s. If you are having financial issues I’d get a second job if you must.

Tho frustrating, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. You really have to weigh your benefits as added value to your salary.
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@Sunnycorle wrote:

I am coming to this community with this question because I need a real outside opinion and am at a loss.  

I have been working at my job for 24 years.  I have changed my position once early on in my career and then stayed at my position.  First I was a 1,  then it took about 7 years to get to a 2. with a raise.  Then about we will say another 7-8 years I got the 3rd promotion and got a raIse.  Each year we get a raise or not depending on your performance. I kept getting good/great reviews and raises.

So now, I am at a salary cap.  Been there for going on the 3rd year.  I just got my review for 2023.  I got the Highest on my review.  very proud of myself and happy.  The thing is my raise that I will get in April will not be added to my salary, this has been the situation for the last 2 years.  They give me a "Bonus" that is paid out quarterly.  The thing about all of this is my salary is no longer compounding, my real Bonus will never get bigger because my Salary doesn't increase because the raise is not included in my salary.

I work my tail off, train all my stalff, job changing, databases changing and i have to help figure out how the new database will be able to do the same or better job that our current  database.  Alll this said.  I come here for opinions or advice. I am in my mid 50's and have a nice salary but its not growing and i have to work for aonther 13 years.  I can no longer talk to my manager about this because she has been trying to get me a updated title to recognize what I do for the last 3-4 years.  I now got the feeling from my review I just had that its not going to be this year.  

with the state of inflation I am so upset about this.  Anyone have any experence wiht this kind of situation.  




I think you're overreacting a bit.


Unless I missed it, you didn't mention what industry you work in, nor if your company is very profitable.


Some people like the bonuses because it gives them a "lump sum" that can be used to pay property taxes, or whatever.


Off the top of my head, my guess is that your company doesn't want to adjust allowable salary levels, so instead of raises, they give bonuses.


Why not talk to a friendly HR person and ask ("just curious") why things are done that way.  Not as a gripe, just a sincere and curious question.   It would be interesting to know their viewpoints.