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Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

I have mentioned calling in to a station where I used to work. The local host has been spouting paranoid rants for years...they have gotten much worse since 2008.

I have called the program director in the past to discuss how inflammatory he has become...and how his followers take him seriously. I was told it's free speech and he is very popular...end of story.

Late December I heard him say he was being spied on by NY were climbing on garages and were in backyards, signaling each other with flashlights, tracking his movements. He said he hired homeland security experts who told him the people following him were spending $40,000 A DAY to destroy him. He said this was because he was against the SAFE Act.

Once again I called...once again I was told I was being too sensitive - he was an "entertainer".

Well he has apparently gone off the deep end. He called police in the middle of the night during our BLIZZARD. They found him in his yard with a loaded semi. The police have been there 13 times since November. They told him there was no one in the yard - he said they have special shoes that don't leave tracks in the snow. He also claimed a tree was a person...the officer had to whack the tree to show him it was a tree.

Our local paper printed an article about this today (link below). Now his fans are agreeing with him that he is being followed and harassed...they are encouraging and supporting his paranoia.

I just hope and pray he gets the help he needs now...

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Re: Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

Here is what upset me so much...I cannot believe the station allowed him to continue working after this...they basically laughed off my concerns:

It's just been picked up by the NY Daily News...

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Re: Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

Wow. {#emotions_dlg.blink} And, people as crazy as he is, supporting him.

"The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself."
- Augustine

Be Vigilent
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Re: Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

On 1/12/2014 Lion said:

Wow. {#emotions_dlg.blink} And, people as crazy as he is, supporting him.

That is what upsets me too...his fans are saying he is being set up by the guv because he is the only man standing in his way to re-election! They say he will be vindicated.

And so of course the radio station, owned by Entercom, stays silent...I'm sure they love the attention.

I only hope he is off the air tomorrow. His lawyer is just as nuts as he is...I hope he is disarmed.

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Re: Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

And no one seems to be disturbed that this man has a loaded weapon? He seems to be a danger to himself and definitely a danger to others.

This is really beyond sad-

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Re: Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

That sounds exactly like the guy who was on Dr. Phil this past week. An attorney, paranoid about being spied on - although he admitted he took drugs up until 6 months ago and tested clean for the show. Dr. Phil tried to explain that it was the effects of the drugs but he didn't buy it. He agreed to get counselling.

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Re: Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

On 1/12/2014 kdgn said:

And no one seems to be disturbed that this man has a loaded weapon? He seems to be a danger to himself and definitely a danger to others.

This is really beyond sad-

The police took away the gun he was patrolling his backyard with. He refused to give them his other guns and promised he would turn them over to his lawyer. I don't know if he has done that yet.

His lawyer is just as nuts as he is. He says that homeland security and our guv are trolling people's records looking for mental health problems, going to their homes and taking their weapons. He says it is a HUGE secret and will take down the USA gvt. soon.

Meantime...people are on his FB page telling him to stand up to his oppressors.

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Re: Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

Terrier- He sounds remarkably like two others I can think of who hold those same beliefs and espouse them on-air. They are believed-and that's even scarier.

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Re: Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

On 1/12/2014 kdgn said:

Terrier- He sounds remarkably like two others I can think of who hold those same beliefs and espouse them on-air. They are believed-and that's even scarier.


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Re: Sad Story Re: Local Radio Personality

I wonder what the FBI would say? Did you call the FBI? I would leave it alone and not get involved but I was wondering if you did call the FBI. I hope he brings no harm to you.