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Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains


I was ready to be angry with this zoo for allowing the female to be in danger, but according to the online explanation, the zoo personnel did allow a lot of time for them to become familiar with each other, and they believed the tiger meeting would be successful. 


How sad that it was not.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains

Sounds like Ms. Tiger is a proponent of the "No means no"  campaign.   Strange she would react so violently.   Very sad. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains

@Kachina624 wrote:

Sounds like Ms. Tiger is a proponent of the "No means no"  campaign.   Strange she would react so violently.   Very sad. 


@Kachina624  It was the male which killed the female.

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Re: Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains

@mousiegirl   Oops,  I thought it was the other way.   My bad. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains

Yes, it is sad. 

Although they are wild animals and unpredictable.

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Re: Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains

Imagine how difficult it must have been for the keepers to watch that happening but being unable to stop it. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains

IF you had ever seen the Sacramento Zoo, then you would understand how that happened..........that zoo should be closed..........small enclosures...........nothing to stimulate's deplorable.................................raven

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Re: Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains

[ Edited ]

There could have been other factors involved.  Tigers are more solitary animals and not usually in a pride.  When they do get together, it's with a lot of territory around them.  They like to be able to choose their mates from the contenders too.  The Zoo/Zoos should be ashamed of themselves and I would like them all shut down. 

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Re: Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains

I've thought for a long time there should be no more zoos, @Puzzle Piece and @raven-blackbird.  And no animals in circuses or sea parks or anywhere else they are used as "entertainment" or for people to gape at.

I was giving this zoo the benefit of the doubt, but the more I think about it, the less I can do that.

Thanks for writing what you did, both of you.  It made me see more clearly again.


[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Sacramento tiger was killed by new mate - zoo explains

I wonder what caused Mohan to act aggressively when all indications were that he'd respond faorably toward Baha.  Maybe he was interested in her, though not in the way everyone thought.  How sad for the zoo.  Seems like they need better contingency plans.