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Rooftop solar power has a dark side

[ Edited ]

This is just a heads up for anyone thinking of getting roof top solar. Time has an expose on this business. If you're interested, read the article about it online. It's entitled "Rooftop solar power has a dark side." 

I stumbled upon the article and just read it. I had no interest in getting solar, but I think the information could be useful to those making decisions about a purchase or to those that already own solar panes. The article will open your eyes to some problems within the industry. 




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Re: Roof top solar power has a down side

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DD and her husband have had solar roof panels for over two years. They use as much as they can and sell the excess energy to the local power company. So far, due to our incredibly hot and dry summer, they have made quite a bit of money because the company needs all the energy they can get. I have not read the article, but am sure there are some downsides to the solar panels, but so far, DD and SIL are pleased with going solar.

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Re: Roof top solar power has a down side

We had some guys going through all the neighborhood additions selling solar panels. Guess the people behind us 2 houses down just had them installed.

My sister thought about having them installed but they wanted to cover her roof with them. They also wanted to get the benefit from the power that was leftover instead of my sister benefiting from it. I told her I would tell them to take a hike that they are trying to rip you off. 

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Re: Roof top solar power has a down side

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@Mindy D My sis and BIL had these installed  about 10 years ago by a very reputable company in WA state. No problems and has saved tons of money.


People need to do their due diligence before hiring ANYONE to do anything.

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Re: Roof top solar power has a down side

Very interesting article @Mindy D !  Some acquaintances of ours just put in a brand-new solar system, with the belief that it would run their entire house. When that turned out to be untrue (for example, they could only run the AC for 4 hours a day), they were told they would have to buy more storage batteries, at their own expense. Those things are expensive!


I don't know if their situation has been resolved, but they were very unhappy about being misled--and these are not gullible people, ready to fall for anything.

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Re: Roof top solar power has a down side

[ Edited ]

@vermint wrote:

Very interesting article @Mindy D !  Some acquaintances of ours just put in a brand-new solar system, with the belief that it would run their entire house. When that turned out to be untrue (for example, they could only run the AC for 4 hours a day), they were told they would have to buy more storage batteries, at their own expense. Those things are expensive!


I don't know if their situation has been resolved, but they were very unhappy about being misled--and these are not gullible people, ready to fall for anything.

I could not survive running my ac only 4 hours a day in Arizona. It runs at least 12 if not more. I have no desire for solar panels. My electric bill is low enough so I can't justify putting out thousands of dollars even though the sun shines almost everyday. Plus when you need the roof replaced it cost lots to take them down and replace plus the cost of the constant cleaning of pigeon poop and nests. 

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Re: Roof top solar power has a down side

@Meowingkitty wrote:

@vermint wrote:

Very interesting article @Mindy D !  Some acquaintances of ours just put in a brand-new solar system, with the belief that it would run their entire house. When that turned out to be untrue (for example, they could only run the AC for 4 hours a day), they were told they would have to buy more storage batteries, at their own expense. Those things are expensive!


I don't know if their situation has been resolved, but they were very unhappy about being misled--and these are not gullible people, ready to fall for anything.

I could not survive running my ac only 4 hours a day in Arizona. It runs at least 12 if not more. I have no desire for solar panels. My electric bill is low enough so I can't justify putting out thousands of dollars even though the sun shines almost everyday. Plus when you need the roof replaced it cost lots to take them down and replace plus the cost of the constant cleaning of pigeon poop and nests. 

@Meowingkitty And we're in South Carolina...the summers here (while nowhere near the temps you get) are hot, humid and we often get several days running of high 90's to 100, with "feels like" temps being around 105. I need my AC!

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Re: Roof top solar power has a down side

My area has been hit hard with hail and wind storms this year.  Many neighbors are getting new roofs and one had to remove solar panels to get the roof replaced. That cost extra to remove and then reinstall the panels. In the meantime the neighbor has no solar power until the both the roof and panels are replaced. That neighbor told me she has some kind of agreement with the city utility company where she could possibly end up paying them for downtime b/c the solar panels were installed at no cost and the power gotten from the panels go to pay for part of that cost. I don't totally understand the process but it sounds like it could end up costing more than you thought.

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Re: Roof top solar power has a down side

They are getting popular in my neighborhood.  Quite a few houses have them.


My neighborhood was built about 30 years ago and now many owners have died or are in senior living.  The younger people buying are putting in solar.


We have had quite a few sales people knocking on our door, but at my age, I am not interested.


I can't image having to remove all those solar panels if you need to replace your roof.  That is one downside.



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Re: Roof top solar power has a down side

I guess that having a new or new-ish roof underneath the solar panels would be a good idea.  In the long run.



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