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Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

I have just over a year to go before retiring.  It is SOOOO hard to get up at 6 every day and work 9 hours 5 days.  I'm thinking it's because I'm older now (my DH and I laugh "I'm not 34, I'm not 44, I'm not 54, in two months I'll be 64!!!"   I guess my mind thinks I'm about 40ish and yet here I am, working with so many young people around me all day long.  


It's a very odd place to be right now.  I'm not a grandma, I'm not a millenial, I don't know what I am!  


Most of my friends are retired, DH and I will go together next year (we're two months apart in age).  


Our only son lives out of state and is not married (yet).  


I  spent a lot of years hanging out with my mom, shopping, dining out for lunch, doing her hair, etc. etc. and it's funny how life changes (she's been gone 7+ years).  


I'm trying to figure out what's next - so please give me your routines and have you moved?  (We'll be doing that I believe because I'm not staying in MI winters!).

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Re: Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

Retirement is not what it is cracked up to be. Wish I could still work.

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Re: Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

I retired at age 50.......


I have no routine......


I travel a lot on a whim, mostly international....


No longer take 1 week cruises.  Now I go on 2+ weeks type cruises.....


I enjoy gambling.  I am surrounded by casinos as I live in a tri-state casino resort area.


Paramour is 10 yrs younger than me & still works.  Sometimes he joins me on my "whims" sometimes he doesn't.  On those "whims" I grab a grandchild or some girlfrinds (depends on the "whim"). whistling.gif


"Each day above ground is a good day" is my motto.  I live each day to its fullest.  If that means staying in my PJs all day, ordering out, playing on the computer, binge watching movies and/or tv series so be it!


Age 69

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

I am aways off from retirement, so I can not comment there.  We have been in central FL for 12 years now.  This summer has been really brutal.  Personally, being from up north, I love cold weather.  If you have any notion of moving to FL, I would spend some time here in the summer before you make your decision.  Florida has a lot to offer and many people love it.  If I had my way though, we would not be here, mostly due to the weather.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

I am there. Retired from 44 years of teaching at 66 in June. Glad I am not driving 35 miles and back each day. Right now, I am “off for the summer” as I have been every year.  Watching Daytime TV, reading these forums. I know it will it will hit me when everyone goes back to school in 2 weeks. Need a purpose. I can always volunteer at my school. I will be interested in seeing your replies.

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Re: Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

@tarsmom , congratulations on your upcoming retirement.  I can say without reservation that this is the best time of my life.  


If you have a move upcoming, that will keep you occupied for a good while especially if you have property to sell.  We built a new retirement home and enjoy living lakeside.


 I had a very very busy career so I was concerned about being home.  I can easily say I am still very busy.  I sit on some community organizations, one of which is a very active committee.  At times I am busier than I want to be but it will have an ending in a year or so.


Wiat until you get settled in your new home to start a new routine.  Not much sense starting something only to leave it mid stream.


Sine you are both retiring at the same time, you will both be experiencing the upheaval at the same time.  I retired first and was able to ease into it at my own pace.


My best wishes to you and DH.  LM


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Re: Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

@tarsmom these threads always interest me....some people just love retirement others not so much.  It's an adjustment.


I am 64 dh is late 70' both still work/self employed, although the pace is not what it once was we would be totally lost without our work.


We are both healthy, which we are more than grateful for, which makes it easier to continue to work, plus our business is making money and we don't want to walk away from a profitable business, not sure we could sell it to day we might decide we're done and we will close up.  If you asked us, I would say probably two more years, if possible.


No kids together, dh has 2 from a previous marriage.  One lives close with two kids and 2 grandkids, the other one lives across the country.  We are not overly close the grand is married and is very involved with her inlaws....and her mom's side is not a priority, although when invited to a family event, they do show up and seem to enjoy themselves.


We have made a life together without family..dh's family has all passed away, my siblings are scattered across the country and a couple of them I have no desire to see again...very difficult personalties.


My mom lived several hours from me but we visited often, she has been gone 20+years, still miss her and my dad....I mention kids and parents only because some people move close to their children and find it's not what they thought it was going be, the kids have their own lives  and the parents are not happy living away from their old friends.  Making friends as we age is very difficult.


I will be interested to hear the replies, I know there is no magic answer to the question.



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Re: Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

I'm a ways from retirement but from time to time they offer early outs so I may be closer than I think 😉


I live Up North, moved here specifically to retire here. It's peaceful, property taxes are low as is the cost of living and best of all it's not restrictive. My pups are mindful, I have no HOA, people are far more laid back than the city. I can bike or walk my neighborhood. It's very small but on a paved road.


If it's a snowy day or a blizzard, I'll stay in and light a fire. I won't have that commute. I live within 5 miles of big water and Lake Michigan and GT Bay are a short jog.

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Registered: ‎07-17-2019

Re: Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

Yes. South Florida summers are brutally hot and rainy. But, everything is air conditioned.

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Re: Retired ladies - so, how is it? Will I adjust OK?

you get to call the shots on what, when and why you will be doing what you'll be doing.  It's not set in cement.....................enjoy it.  I sure do.