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Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees

We were going to order ramen for lunch today---via DoorDash---it would have come to $50!! That included the tip and a new extra $2 plus the $5 living fee----we had tuna sammies instead!! Don't go to many restaurants anymore either. 

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Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees

I've noticed that all the chain fast-casual places have raised their prices significantly, and the quality has worsened. And they stopped cleaning the table area.


If I were in PA and my grands wanted subs, I would have taken them to WaWa and then to a park to enjoy what's left of the summer.


Here in LA, I can do well for lunch. Today, I ordered two Korean tacos and a burrito. It's at least two meals and a snack, delicious as all get out, super fresh, and only cost me 20 bucks with a tip. The trick is to find these little hole-in-the-wall places.

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Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees

A lot of these places are paying kids $15 an hour to make french fries. Then inflation has hit food pries.  It adds up.  And it will get worse.  Life is changing. 

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Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees

@Sapphiregal wrote:
Food prices, whether you cook at home or dine out, have gone crazy. Extra things are no longer an option for a lot of people. Go back 4 years and compare. Gosh, we were better off.

We were basically in lockdown four years ago...@Sapphiregal.  

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Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees



Thank you for sharing this info!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees

@tansy @Sooner @Squirrels Are Trash @wagirl @Sapphiregal 


Today I found a little gem of a place that serves fresh juice concoctions!
Bought one, brought it home, and added my protein shake mix and marine collagen peptides plus also my powdered collagen mix!

It tastes great and this has solved quite a few issues for me besides obtaining a healthy "fast food" alternative.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎03-03-2022

Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees

My husband and I both WFH.  Instead of going out to dinner during the week, we'll go out to breakfast once every week or so.  It's a nice start to the day and costs less than dinner.  We eat our lunches at home most days. About once every two weeks my husband will go out and bring us a mid-afternoon lunch from a local Mexican food or BBQ restaurant.

We generally eat out on Saturdays.

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Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees

@LTT1 I haven't had fast food since 2020.  And you know, I don't miss it.  
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Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees

@tansy wrote:

@Sapphiregal wrote:
Food prices, whether you cook at home or dine out, have gone crazy. Extra things are no longer an option for a lot of people. Go back 4 years and compare. Gosh, we were better off.

We were basically in lockdown four years ago...@Sapphiregal.  

@tansy @Sapphiregal - Yeah, I don't want to go back to four years ago! 


"A little learning is a dangerous thing." Alexander Pope
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Re: Restaurant Quality and additional fees

@tansy wrote:

@Sapphiregal wrote:
Food prices, whether you cook at home or dine out, have gone crazy. Extra things are no longer an option for a lot of people. Go back 4 years and compare. Gosh, we were better off.

We were basically in lockdown four years ago...@Sapphiregal.  



Yeah, I remember "lockdown", but, that was temporary.  We're talking food prices here and that's not temporary - they will never go back down. Surely,  you would agree that they were much less 4 years ago, so yes, we were better off. More money in our pockets.

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