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See the source image

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Re: Remembering....

[ Edited ]

I thank them for their bravery and sacrifice.

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I thank all the men and women who sacrificed their lives in their fight for freedom.  They are heroes and shouldn't be forgotten.  To all who lived through wars and have suffered its after effects, I salute you also.  My wish for peace continues.

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Text Memorial Day on American flag background

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My appreciation for all our military families and for those who have served.  Thank you @Foxxee for your post.

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Thank you.  Like so many who served, the men in our family were B-52 bomber pilots.

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Field of Flags

Questa, NM



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@ECBG wrote:



Thank you.  Like so many who served, the men in our family were B-52 bomber pilots.






My late brother-in-law was a Tail Gunner in the B-29 Super Fortress in the Army Air Corp in the Pacific. It later became the United States Air Force.



hckynut  🇺🇸


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35 Remembrance Day Messages and Quotes - WishesMsg