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Registered: ‎02-22-2015

I was wondering, did the red headed model named Amy leave ? She always looked good in everything she modeled.

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Re: Red head model named Amy

Amy was just in the Philosophy 25th Anniversary Purity TSV shows in July.  I don't know if she's been in air in any other shows, but I did watch the Philosophy shows and saw her.  

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Re: Red head model named Amy

@Momofdogs @Caaareful Shopper 


Amy Garber (Amy Garber 38 on Instagram) models for various modeling agencies and lives in Philadelphia.


I have always admired her fresh good looks!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Red head model named Amy

She doesn't look like she has red hair on my TV.

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Red head model named Amy

There is a very large model that has long red hair.  She's rarely on, but I see still pictures of her.  Even larger then Jamie.  Guessing she's a 1X (at least)    Her hair is really pretty.