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Re: Reading a book earlier about things senior's feel

Panda123.  I have four daughters.  One suffers from Chronic Lyme Disease, and one suffers from Recurrent Melanoma.  They are too young, too much life ahead of them.


And yes, like you, I would take on those maladies, gladly adding them to my own if they could be well.  My heart goes out to you.

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Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Reading a book earlier about things senior's feel

Ok, sorry I had to be away for a bit.

What's Worth Knowing by Wendy Lustabader.

Another one I got from the same area at the library was 30 Lessons for Living by Karl Pillemer, Ph.D.


Both were pretty interesting.

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Re: Reading a book earlier about things senior's feel

While I am proud of the work I did as a nurse, given a chance to start over i would have taken a different path. Nursing is much too encompassing of ones life, leaving little for you personally. For instance, I had to work major holidays , esp. Christmas 9 years in a row. Then my parents died just before Christmas and I felt - Gee , I wasn't with them to celebrate the holidays for the past 9 years, and now it is too late. For this reason I would give my personal

l life a C but my professional one an A.

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Re: Reading a book earlier about things senior's feel

[ Edited ]

@TNRatPack wrote:

@panda1234 wrote:

I am 59. I would have given myself an A, had it all. Then mental illness reared its ugly head with my daughter and now I give myself a D. Life has changed, counting our blessings for the good things we have left, could be worse.

Oh Panda I'm so sorry.  When things happen to our children it's incredibly hard isn't it?  I hope you have lots of support, both for your daughter and yourself. 

.....................I'm sorry your daughter is having problems, panda123.  I have seen this happen to the best of parents.  No rhyme or reason to it.  My sister is going through this with her son and it is so painful.  I have known of some very well known psychologists that have had children who were troubled.  Mental illness is no respector of persons. 


As far as grading myself...I don't think I could.  I am sure we have all had our A, B,C, and yes, even D days.  I think most of us tried to do our best.  I am 65 and I think one never stops trying to  set an example....but what our children do... we really have no say over.... once they are raised and on their own.  My Grandpa always said....."when they're little they step on your toes and.....  when they're big..... they step on your heart".  I think that is true.


I said a prayer for your daughter.  

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Re: Reading a book earlier about things senior's feel

Until reading this,i have never thought of grading my life, so many losses have happened to me,  and i sure wish i had not done some of the things i did do,iwould like to redone them,but of course i can not,  so i have to live with regrets, i think of the good i have had in my life,the people i love,and loved me, i think i would give a C-, to my life.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Reading a book earlier about things senior's feel

@LilacTree wrote:

Panda123.  I have four daughters.  One suffers from Chronic Lyme Disease, and one suffers from Recurrent Melanoma.  They are too young, too much life ahead of them.


And yes, like you, I would take on those maladies, gladly adding them to my own if they could be well.  My heart goes out to you.

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Thank you. Sounds like you have a full plate too. 

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Re: Reading a book earlier about things senior's feel

@jubilant wrote:

@TNRatPack wrote:

@panda1234 wrote:

I am 59. I would have given myself an A, had it all. Then mental illness reared its ugly head with my daughter and now I give myself a D. Life has changed, counting our blessings for the good things we have left, could be worse.

Oh Panda I'm so sorry.  When things happen to our children it's incredibly hard isn't it?  I hope you have lots of support, both for your daughter and yourself. 

.....................I'm sorry your daughter is having problems, panda123.  I have seen this happen to the best of parents.  No rhyme or reason to it.  My sister is going through this with her son and it is so painful.  I have known of some very well known psychologists that have had children who were troubled.  Mental illness is no respector of persons. 


As far as grading myself...I don't think I could.  I am sure we have all had our A, B,C, and yes, even D days.  I think most of us tried to do our best.  I am 65 and I think one never stops trying to  set an example....but what our children do... we really have no say over.... once they are raised and on their own.  My Grandpa always said....."when they're little they step on your toes and.....  when they're big..... they step on your heart".  I think that is true.


I said a prayer for your daughter.  

So sorry your sister is going through this with her son. It is all consuming when living with a chronic illness. As for yourself, we don't have control over our adult children. And by no means their bad choices are not a reflection on us. 

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Re: Reading a book earlier about things senior's feel

My life so far is A+ - love every minute of it from being evacuated from London during the war with my sister - did not see our Mum for 3years - then back to London, becoming an economist, then into nursing, then into working in the rock and roll business with my DH and traveling the world.  Had 5 miscarriages, one on the subway in N.Y. Raised one beautiful daughter, three gorgeous granchildren - now retired in the Wild West - very small town in AZ - but still going to rock concerts with grand kids.  Have been very wealthy and extremely broke now in the middle.  Love life even with various medical complaints.  A+ all the way and the World Cup Rugby is on t.v. What more could I want.