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Raise your hand if you bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.

[ Edited ]

I know they're overpriced and not that great, but those little girls get me everytime. Today they were everywhere and while I'm usually immune this one Scout was so totally awesome, I bought four boxes from her. She took the time to describe each flavor and tell me which was her favorite, which was the best seller, which one she didn't like and her mother stood back and didn't interrupt. I was totally charmed. I bought two thin mints, one samoa and one that's some sort of cranberry shortbread (she recommended it and even used the term "sleeper.")


Now those boxes are staring at me from the counter. I think it's time for them to go into the very back of the freezer.



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Re: Raise your hand if you bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.

My granddaughter is a Girl Scout.  My friends and I bought some from her.


My daughter said, "I don't care if you buy any.  She doesn't care either.  She's not going door to door or standing around selling them".  


I said, "MY friends and I want some".  So I bought quite a few of them.


I give them to people who do nice things to me, like the bankers, etc.

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Re: Raise your hand if you bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.

I haven't had the opportunity to purchase yet, but I will. And then I have to give them away because I don't eat gluten! I was a Brownie and Girl Scout and always support their efforts.

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Re: Raise your hand if you succumbed and bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.

My husband bought a couple of boxes this afternoon on his way out of the supermarket. 


He's a soft touch, lol, and we both were active in Brownies and Girl Scouts when our daughter was a member.  Oh, boy, do I remember lugging around those crates of cookies.

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Re: Raise your hand if you bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.

I have not seen them yet this year, but now I'm thinking about thin mints !

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Re: Raise your hand if you succumbed and bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.

I ordered 3 boxes about a month ago. Can't wait for them to be delivered!

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Re: Raise your hand if you succumbed and bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.

I have no problem buying cookies from a girl scout, but I just can't buy them from a parent.  My favorite little girl scouts drive now, so they retired.  I haven't seen any girl scouts this year.  If I did, I'd buy a couple boxes.

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Re: Raise your hand if you bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.







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Re: Raise your hand if you bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.

Two little girls knocked on my door this afternoon so I bought two boxes from each of them.  Nice seeing them go door to door and put out an effort.  

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-27-2012

Re: Raise your hand if you bought Girl Scout cookies this weekend.

I resisted the temptation yesterday but have been thinking about them all day today. I just checked and found a place where I can buy them until 8pm tonight. I think I need to take a drive.


Marie Callendars is having a pie sale this month too. I'm doomed. Woman Sad