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Rachael Ray's new business line

Watching Rachael Ray and she said she has been working for over a year & 1/2 on her new line which is furniture. Don't know when it is coming out but wonder if QVC will be showing it. I only watch ITKWD but I do know QVC has Ellen's designs.

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Re: Rachael Ray's new business line

Hmmm... Isn't there enough Rachel Ray out there already? I'm sorry, I can only take her in small doses..

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Re: Rachael Ray's new business line

@StillFuntoShop wrote:

Hmmm... Isn't there enough Rachel Ray out there already? I'm sorry, I can only take her in small doses..

WAY too much, IMO. I can't watch her.

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Re: Rachael Ray's new business line

@StillFuntoShop wrote:

Hmmm... Isn't there enough Rachel Ray out there already? I'm sorry, I can only take her in small doses..

Ha - me too.



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Re: Rachael Ray's new business line

I like Rachael Ray's business model.  Consistent, reliable & there's a fluidity with all her products.  I would expect her lifestyle line to be as successful as her cookware/pet product lines.  She's one smart cookie. 

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Re: Rachael Ray's new business line

While I enjoy Ms. Ray's show from time to time, I don't think I'd appreciate her furniture style since I don't care for her style in clothing.  Might be wrong but it sounds like she's saying she has been trying to learn about furniture style rather than having a natural gift.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Rachael Ray's new business line

I find her rough, abrasive and in your face LOUD. Can not watch her.

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Re: Rachael Ray's new business line

I never missed an episode of her $40.00 a Day on the Food Network when she was young, broke and single. 

I never thought much of her ability as a cook but I still have enjoyed all her television appearances and programs.  


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Re: Rachael Ray's new business line

Seems her business adventures have all been quite successful. If the quatlity is there I think this one also will be a success. No one has to purchase her items if they don't like what she is offering.

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Re: Rachael Ray's new business line

@italia8140 wrote:

@StillFuntoShop wrote:

Hmmm... Isn't there enough Rachel Ray out there already? I'm sorry, I can only take her in small doses..

WAY too much, IMO. I can't watch her.

I stopped watching her show too, though I do purchase her pet food.