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I will look into this gadget- thank you for the link, Havarti. Never had so many calls in my life until I officially retired. Everything from cruises and time share condos to medical supplies and out of state funeral homes! Obviously my number was sold to those who prey on seniors.

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I need something that blocks more numbers. My current phones have a 'block' feature, but it only holds 30 items so I have to go back and delete some from time to time. It's a bit of a PITA because I always forget it until I get another call and the block is full, then I forget about it until the next time. d'oh!

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On 7/15/2014 SelahG said:

{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1} Looks promising, Havarti---I have had the calls from my own number---FREAKY!

Thanks to dooBdoo for those links, too.

Now if we could only find a solution for those that get around displaying a number at all in Caller ID. Ring, ring, ring daily from 8:00 am up until 8:00 pm or so. {#emotions_dlg.angry}

You're welcome, SelahG! Sometimes I think I'm in the "invisible poster/thread killer" category.{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I do hope those suggestions will help someone. It's a frustrating situation, but with a bit of research and work I've been able to stop nearly all unwanted calls. It's worth it, that's for sure.

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Neighborhood watch/police advise us to not open our doors to various 'companies', etc. Most of them don't have a permit to solicit door-to-door. Also: One would think that overseas telemarketing calls could be blocked without any problems.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Posts: 9,012
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 7/9/2014 ROMARY said:

I'm now getting the home improvement/energy saver, who would actually invite men from 'who knows where' to come into our homes, to 'inspect', advise, 'remodel', etc. ????? Oh, my goodness..............that's a 'no-no'.

I get those also. I also get many for senior citizens (which I am) saying you are entitled to a "free" Life Alert and they will be sending it out. Also, a lot of calls for the walk-in bathtubs. I hate when these calls are late at night.

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Posts: 1,325
Registered: ‎03-08-2014

I am convinced that the government creates a list of people who will soon be eligible for Medicare and provides/sells it to the medical insurance companies that hound you with mail in the year before your are Medicare eligible.The amount of paper that comes from those companies in that year in unbelievable!Somehow that list must gets out/be sold to a wide variety of businesses that are “senior” related products/services and perhaps that list is also sold to anyone willing to pay for it through list services that telemarketing companies use for calls and mailings.

Years ago I determined that the phone company releases or sells new phone listings.I had my phone listed under an odd name that I had only given to the phone company (like having an unlisted number without having to pay for it).Within a week of my phone line being activated I started receiving calls for that odd name.I also started receiving mail addressed to that name.No one else knew to associate that name with me.When I called the phone company about it they denied that they release their information, but no one else was aware that name linked to me.

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