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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

@Laura14 wrote:

@MyGirlsMom wrote:

The only status I have on my facebook page is, "married."  I don't have the city nor state where I live and my posts are, "only me."  


I block people who are obvious trolls on sires I post on.  There are people I know who I don't want to know of my facebook existence, I block them too.


Facebook has given us tools to use, avail yourself of them.

@MyGirlsMom  Doesn't work on the suggested friends list though.  I did that exact thing except I had no status, no friends, an assumed name, and everything ME only and it still suggested some of my employer's customers, family, etc. be my friend and (I assume) I theirs.  I think I was well disguised but you never know.  


I couldn't possibly block every single person in existence that I came into contact with on a professional  basis on the off chance that FB might recommend them to me and me to them.   They need an opt out of that in my opinion but they won't do it because it probably messes up their algorythms and subsequent targeted ad revenue if a vast quantity of FB users suddenly went private even to them.  


I actually googled this issue to see if it was just me and there are several articles of people being recommended their ex-stalkers, crazy boyfriends, people they had fallen out with and hadn't seen in years, etc.  And in each one, FB would not tell the journalists what criteria they use to pull those people from so that we can protect ourselves by not opting into things or using applications that might be driving it.  And for the record, I had zero contact imports and zero applications tied to FB.  I also used a spare never ever used email account.  I was as pure as you get and I still couldn't get away from it.    


My issue was really minor compared to someone who actually does have a real stalker on their hands and gets reintroduced via FB.  I just want everyone to be aware that it's not always user error which causes FB frustration.  It's the actual platform itself for a few of us.  Just be completely understanding of what you are using and how unprivate you really are if that is at all a concern for you.  


And it's not just FB.  I was shocked when I signed up for an IG account, again with a brand new email never used on FB or anywhere else.  My entire family came up as recommends to follow and I deleted it immediately.  It's frustrating not to be able to use what everyone else is enjoying without having your entire family along for the ride every time.     

Just because it suggests a friend doesn't mean you have to friend them.Just ignore that and set ypour settings so you only see friends posts and only friends see yours.

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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

@MyGirlsMom  I set up my account on a completely different device and my IP address is completely different depending on what state or even office I'm in.  At work, we got through Dallas even though I'm three states over.  


Not everything on FB is within your control  That's the only point I was trying to make.  There's a lot going on behind the scenes that you may not be aware of if you are only on there with family and friends and have no work emails or computers.  I still can't fathom how they are getting customers so it has to be through work and I'm never on FB through my work computer.  Scary!

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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

@Moonchilde  I did not know about the unsearchable.  I might reactivate it and see what happens for a day or two.  Maybe that will help the "suggestions".  Still don't like FB pointing me out though.  Smiley Sad

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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

@Laura14, all "Unsearchable" means is that if someone comes to FB cold, and puts your name in the search engine, your name won't come up. It has no effect on the "You might wanna be friends with these people" list - that's generated to show you every friend all your friends have.


If one of your Friends (the co-worker) has your employer as one of her Friends, everyone who signed on as a "friend" of your employer will show up. But just delete/ignore them.


I had a situation, along with a couple of other friends, where someone I wanted to Friend had as one of *their* Friends someone we knew to be stalkerish & mentally unbalanced. We didn't want that one particular person to be able to see anything about us (namely, our identities), so we couldn't Friend the person we wanted to, as everyone can see everyone else's Friends. I don't believe that can be changed.

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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

@Moonchilde  what about blocking that person/stalker altogether? 

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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

@Adamlambert wrote:

I have so many people from high school who are very,very religious and people from the military on mine, who are mainly narrow minded (don't agree with my values lol ). I have wealthy people who like to brag about their fancy house, car, etc. I have regular excoworkers who like to brag about all of their possessions. As much as I say don't, I still have friends that post pix of abused or dead animals. It's just depressing and getting on my nerves. Also the bashing of my political candidate. I respect opposite opinions when they are polite.  I mainly post animal pictures & am liberal for the most part (live and let live...if it doesn't impact my life I'm not judging). Any comments? Anyone else have these issues?  I don't argue or comment on things I don't agree with, just scroll.  I've just realized that these people from 20 years ago don't really matter.  

Good for you!  I hate face book and closed down my account in 2011 @adamlambert.

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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

@MyGirlsMom We did that, but at the time we couldn't be sure it was enough. FB has changed some of their permission settings over time. Also, besides Friending individuals, we were all part of a secret, closed FB group and the person would have had access to that (we all believed). One of our members has a doctorate in Computer Science and teaches at University level, and he recommended we handle it as we did - and social media ins and outs was part of his classes.

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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

I have a friend who lost a family member and I was afraid to post a message on her wall because of other unsavory types who may have access to my page. Smiley Sad 

I sent her a card instead. 

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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

@Moonchilde That may actually be most of it. Still doesn't explain the new account suggestions though unless @MyGirlsMom is right about IP addresses. Between the two of you, you may have solved the mystery. Smiley Happy
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Re: Quitting Facebook for 2017

@Laura14 wrote:

With all due respect to Facebook being what you make it, not necessarily true unless one of you can tell me how to control this.  


Facebook gives you suggestions about who to be friends with and I assume also to others to friend you.  I had a HUGE problem with that since a lot of those suggested people were customers of my employer.  They don't need to be directed to my personal FB page.


My only friends were family and one coworker who did enjoy friending everyone including her clients.  I figured that was where it was coming from since she and I were friends so I created a completely separate FB account under a new identity to stay completely private.  


It's less but I still get "suggestions" for people I do know who don't need to know me or my personal life.  I have ZERO friends on that account and it's not in any way linked to the other.  I ended up giving up and deactivating it all.  


I don't like a social media platform digging associated strangers up and directing them to connect with me especially when I and they have no reason to be in each other's personal spaces.         


They can't connect with you unless they send you a friend request and you accept it.  Or unless you decide to send a friend request to them.  


So if you don't want to associate with someone on FB, then just don't do either of those things.  It's really that simple.