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@debic wrote:

@truffle wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

It is listed in the community standards. It is not the moderators rule. It is a rule of QVC.

When was it added?

I believe it came with the update.   

It has been the rule and in the community standards since I joined the forums 3 years ago, well before the recent update.

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Re: Question for the Moderators

[ Edited ]

@Buck-i-Nana wrote:

So, a little off topic, but are the moderators no longer commenting when they delete posts and threads?  I find it very curious.



Maybe they're experimenting with not. They're da*ned if they do and da*ned if they don't. Whether they give a reason or poof without one, there will be a flurry of whyeeeeeee posts. People complain when they give a reason and complain if they don't give one. Maybe they've just said the with it. I can't blame them.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Question for the Moderators

@Buck-i-Nana wrote:

So, a little off topic, but are the moderators no longer commenting when they delete posts and threads?  I find it very curious.


I've seen some recently that were removed where they commented but, as we know, there have been others that have just gone "poof" without any explanation. One of them was mine. I find the new trend of sometimes leaving an explanation and other times not a bit bothersome. Let's be consistent- either leave an explanation for all, or don't for all.

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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Question for the Moderators

@dooBdoo wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@Burnsite wrote:

Posting of direct links to other sites may not be related to sales at all, but to the fact that malware and viruses are rather often transmitted by those direct links.  Then QVC would be held responsible when their customers' computers slowed down or stopped working.



This is precisely the reason, and it has been stated on the forums and it's in the guidelines/rules.  It's because QVC does not want to be responsible for live links to ANY other site.  It's not at all unusual (and in fact common) for people to disguise a website, call it something benign, and when you click on it, the site is either data-mining or malware/virus. It is everywhere. And QVC is not going to click on every link anyone posts just to check. Why should they? They have stated "no live links" as part of the rules. It could be a live link to the American Cancer Society and it would still be a "no."




     @Moonchilde, I looked and I don't see anything in their Standards for Participation or their General Terms and Conditions saying "no live links."  And, as mentioned before, we have a working feature in the toolbar which makes it easy for us to insert these links.





They leave plenty of posts with live links up. I don't think they have an issue with them as long as the link isn't to an offensive website or something regarding coupon codes or advanced item numbers. And yes, if they didn't want any live links, they wouldn't have the option to include one in their toolbar.