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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

On 8/13/2014 dmod nj said:
On 8/13/2014 lulu2 said:

Non-red hair is dominant over red hair.

Curly is dominant over straight but a curly haired parent and a straight hair parent can have a child with wavy hair.

With genetics, what you see is not always what you get. If both parents carry the same recessive trait, you can end up with a trait that is not visible in either parent.

So true lulu. My son's hair color and eye color are both from recessive genes hubby and I carry.

Hi dmod, hope you are well. Our oldest Grands are twins, one of each variety. He has poker straight red hair and green eyes. She has blond curls and blue eyes. Their siblings are both blue-eyed brunettes, one with waves, one straight. You just never know.

Let's not forget menopause can make curly hair straight and vice versa.

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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

My dad had red hair and blue eyes. My paternal grandmother had red hair and blue eyes my paternal grandfather had brown hair and brown eyes.

My mom had brown curly hair and brown eyes and olive complexion of most Italians but her father - Italian had brown hair and light blue eyes. Her Mom had brown hair and brown eyes but very fair complexion.She was German heritage.

I have 4 brothers - all blonde hair and brown eyes. I had auburn red hair and I have light GREEN eyes - no one in either family had green or hazel eyes. It was apparently a recessive gene. None of us got my Mom's curly hair .

The point is - it is all a krapshoot.

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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

On 8/13/2014 BaileyandBella said:

Here is another thing I find interesting. How people can have brown hair an adult, but yet were blonde as a child.

I was blonde as a child and still am.....LOL

I was actually blonde as a child, as was one of my nephews. Both of us had our hair darken as we got older. His is a very dark brown now.

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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

On 8/13/2014 lulu2 said:
On 8/13/2014 dmod nj said:
On 8/13/2014 lulu2 said:

Non-red hair is dominant over red hair.

Curly is dominant over straight but a curly haired parent and a straight hair parent can have a child with wavy hair.

With genetics, what you see is not always what you get. If both parents carry the same recessive trait, you can end up with a trait that is not visible in either parent.

So true lulu. My son's hair color and eye color are both from recessive genes hubby and I carry.

Hi dmod, hope you are well. Our oldest Grands are twins, one of each variety. He has poker straight red hair and green eyes. She has blond curls and blue eyes. Their siblings are both blue-eyed brunettes, one with waves, one straight. You just never know.

Let's not forget menopause can make curly hair straight and vice versa.

Really? Is this menopause thing true???!!!!Did anyone here hair change because of this?
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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

My mother was medium brown hair with blue eyes-slightly wavy hair,She was 100% Irish and had the fair skin

Dad had light brown hair with blue eyes-straight hair.He was of German and Polish descent and had a slightly olive complexion

Me-- darker auburn hair and lot of it, loose curls, blue eyes, no olive in my skin, but the slightly almond eyes of the Slavic influence.

Sister--born white blonde and still light-haired, slightly wavy, blue eyes, olive complected, round eyes

Brother--born a tow head,still blonde, straight hair, b lue eyes, fair complexion, round eyes

Brother--born a tow head, now light brown, straight hair, blue eyes, olive complexion, slight almond eyes

I was the only one born with dark hair. I used to think I was adopted!

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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

Congrats!! It is exciting to find out how the baby will look! A brad new little person!

My sister had beautiful white hair as a little girl that darkened to an ash blonde by the time she was teen, like our Dad. I had coal black hair that lightened to a rich brown as a teen, like our Mom. Our brother had medium to light brown hair his whole life! Like we have no idea who, maybe some ancestor. But when he grows a beard it has blonde, dark brown (and coppery red of all things) through it.

A cousin of mine has dark brown eyes (his mom was part Blackfoot Indian) and his wife also has dark brown eyes, but their daughter was born with the prettiest clear blue eyes! Her sister and brother both have their parents eye color. It is interesting the surprises genetics give us!

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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

On 8/13/2014 azterry! said:

My mother was medium brown hair with blue eyes-slightly wavy hair,She was 100% Irish and had the fair skin

Dad had light brown hair with blue eyes-straight hair.He was of German and Polish descent and had a slightly olive complexion

Me-- darker auburn hair and lot of it, loose curls, blue eyes, no olive in my skin, but the slightly almond eyes of the Slavic influence.

Sister--born white blonde and still light-haired, slightly wavy, blue eyes, olive complected, round eyes

Brother--born a tow head,still blonde, straight hair, b lue eyes, fair complexion, round eyes

Brother--born a tow head, now light brown, straight hair, blue eyes, olive complexion, slight almond eyes

I was the only one born with dark hair. I used to think I was adopted!

"Me-- darker auburn hair and lot of it, loose curls, blue eyes, no olive in my skin, but the slightly almond eyes of the Slavic influence."

That's just downright gorgeous Smile

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

awww noel.

you just made my day. It probably sounds better than it is!

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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

Another question....

My son has somewhat olive skin, my DIL has fair skin tone dominant or recessive?

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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

On 8/13/2014 BaileyandBella said:

Another question....

My son has somewhat olive skin, my DIL has fair skin tone dominant or recessive?

I always thought that in general, darker is dominant over lighte, in hair eyes AND skin...