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I recently joined Pinterest and am lost on there. I found several recipes that I want to print out and cannot figure out how to print them. I have even tried to copy and paste them on my Word program but it will not work. If I hit the print button on my computer I get several pages and all I want is the recipe. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

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Re: Question about Pinterest?

Luvs - on my Mac I take a picture. Holding down the apple, shift and #4 keys [together] you get a crosshair which you move to select the area you want to take a pic of. Picture goes to my desktop and I can print.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Question about Pinterest?

Thank you boutime. After trying and trying I received a notice that I had to update Java and so I did and along with that I noticed several other programs loaded onto my computer so I uninstalled them all. After that I went into Pinterest and deactivated my account. Not worth the trouble. Thank you anyway.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question about Pinterest?

No don't give up! I print recipes ALL the TIME on Pinterest. You click on the recipe you want that will take you to another page with the picture of it and click that pic again which will usually take you to the actual recipe and there is aways a print button. You may have to scroll down to the bottom to find the actual recipe after reading about it from the author. So easy---really!!! I have a Pinterest button in my toolbar that I press when I find something I want anywhere I go on the internet too. Really is so easy!!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question about Pinterest?

Using the mouse, place on whatever you want to copy, hit copy, then paste it in an email to yourself, or wherever you want to store it.