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My daughter is expecting a baby boy on Feb 8th. So excited. Just wondering how far in advance should the shower be held. I haven't been to one in ages. Also are those silly games they used to play still necessary. I hope not. Thanks for your advice.

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Re: Question about Baby Shower

Like you, I know nothing about baby showers, probably I my lifetime I've been to 2 or 3 and those were 30-4 years ago.  But if I were to hose one, rule #1 - NO games!!!! At least my rule if I were the hostess.


I'd have the shower a good month prior to the baby's arrival.  The last month or so I'm betting the mom to be would love to have the last of calmness in her life.


I'd create a list of things she may already have or received so as to not duplicate the important larger items.  You may want to slip this into the invites so guests know as well.





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Re: Question about Baby Shower

Maybe two months in advance, and I think most people would appreciate it if the shower moves along with just a simple game. At the last shower I went to, they had baby pictures up of a variety of people and you wrote down who they were. It didn't take long because they asked people to look at the pictures when they got there so it was just a matter of giving out the answers and prizes. For example, they had pictures of the Olsen twins, Princess Charlotte, Shirley Temple.....and the mom and dad to be were up there too.
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Re: Question about Baby Shower

I think a month or two before the due date is fine. That's what we've always gone with. Games aren't necessary but they are still fun. I like baby showers so have a great time with yours and a big Congratulations to you and your daughter! 

~ It's a good day when I didn't have to unleash the flying monkeys! ~
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Re: Question about Baby Shower

A month or two before the due date is customary.  Like moder bridal showers, there are no hard and fast rules for baby showers.  Other than good food, a gorgeous cake and lots of fun and laughs. 

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Re: Question about Baby Shower

I had a Baby Shower for my daughter 4 yrs ago and we had it a month and a half before the due date.


I don't like games either. It was in May, so we had 8" white daisy plants wrapped in pink foil and tied with pink tulle bows as centerpieces. we had everyone fill out their cards when they arrived and we called names out to take them home as prizes. The guests seemed to like that idea. I would do a tulip or daffodil bulb plant for a Jan party.

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Re: Question about Baby Shower

We had a baby shower when my DIL was expecting their first baby.  It got quite elaborate, as her mom wanted to invite a lot of people.  So we had it in a restaurant, which turned out great.  It was a Sunday brunch.


Like everything today, showers can get more elaborate.  Most moms-to-be register in advance at a store like Babies-R-Us.  It's very helpful to all to avoid getting so many duplicate gifts.  And for more expensive things, several people can get together for the gift.  So much is needed for one tiny baby!


We didn't have any games at all, but we did have some door prizes.  A good time was had by all.


Is this your first grandbaby?  Our first is a boy (now 7), followed by a girl (2&1/2).  Congratulations to you!  They are such a joy.


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Re: Question about Baby Shower


As the baby is due in early February, I think the best time to schedule the shower would be the first weekend in December, unless you must avoid the first night of Hanukkah, which would be Sunday the 6th.

BTW: how do people feel about Mom/Grandma hosting the baby shower? Is there a friend, sister, SIL, cousin who could host it instead?

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Re: Question about Baby Shower

When my daughter and her husband were having their 1st baby 2 1/2 years ago, both myself and his mother hosted the shower, and since they were due around Christmas time, we had a late October shower, we played a few fun games, but mostly it was good food, gorgeous cake, and gift opening, I asked my daughter about the games since it was a fairly big shower, so we only played 3 quick ones that were really fun!!!!!!I went online and googled Baby Shower Games to find unique,fun games that were different and everyone said they loved the games!!!!!!! 

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Re: Question about Baby Shower

My niece was due in February a couple of years ago, and her shower was held the first week of December to avoid conflicting with the holidays. It was a very laid back affair with no games played. We had refreshments and she opened her gifts. A few years before, my other niece was the guest of honor at a baby shower, and at her request, the were no games or gift opening, simply a very unstructured party where we ate and drank and socialized. I think now there are no "rules" when it comes to showers. My 87 year old mother was less than thrilled with the non-traditional shower, as she still clings to the "must do things the way they've always been done" theory, but I firmly told her that things have changed and she might as well enjoy the party, and she did!