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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....

I agree with the Queen.  If the Queen wants the monarchy to continue, she had to make a stand against Andrew.  If Andrew was a friend and/or staying with Jeffrey Epstein he knew exactly what was going on and participated in the action.  It is sick to think that money buys everything.  Underaged girls forced for sexual acts with old rich men.

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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....

@Venezia wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 - This is getting way off topic, but you continue to say the Royal Family is funded by the taxpayers.  A little research would show that that is not true.


King George III voluntarily surrendered the hereditary revenues of the Crown in return for payments called the Civil List.  This is normally calculated at 15% of total revenue.


However, even that isn't the whole story. 


By 2002 there were eight recipients of parliamentary annuities, all receiving a combined total of £1.5 million annually. Between 1993 and 2012 the Queen voluntarily refunded the cost of these annuities to the Treasury.  

The Sovereign Grant Act 2011 abolished all of these other than that received by the  Duke of Edinburgh.  Subsequently, the living costs of the members of the royal family who carry out official duties, including Princess Anne,  the Duke of York (Andrew), and the Earl and Countess of Wessex (Edward and Sophie). have mainly been met through the Queen's income from the Duchy of Lancaster.


It's not a simple topic, but it's certainly not a case of the "taxpayer" funding the Royal Family.


You may think the Royal Family (the Monarchy) is outdated or unnecessary, but Americans have no say in the matter.  Anymore than they have a say in who funds our political leaders.

So she makes her millions off of private properties given to her her through generations of privileged royals like herself? Trying to paint the picture that they earn their own money is kind of ridiculous.

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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....

Those who dislike the Royals for whatever reason, will continue to denigrate everything they do and everything about them.


I don't understand why anyone who doesn't have a stake in it, is so worried about what value they do or don't add to Britian (monetary or otherwise).  There's plenty in this country for American citizens to worry about.  We should be concerned about fixing our own problems and leave the British to solve theirs.


And it's predicable that any topic about the Royals will lead down the rabbit hole to the same old arguments.


So this started about Andrew and the Queen's decision to strip him of his titles.  Perhaps we could get back to that, if everything hasn't already been said.  But it likely has.

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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....

Not everyone in the UK is a royalist. In fact, the majority of the voters have voted against getting rid of the monarchy, as if they could. But there are huge factions, especially in Scotland and Wales who are totally anti Royals. In addition, there are many who feel that they keep the royals afloat one way or the other by their taxes. I don't live there, nor do I know the charter of the royals and their properties, and I am not anti royal. I know that the Queen is the official hostess of dignitaries, etc. I also know that because of the royals tourism is a top  revenue gatherer. There are always two sides to a story. Personally, I feel that Harry is probably glad to be out of the whole scene.

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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....

Not ffor nothing but How many people do the Royal households and estates employ?  How many people are making thier living OFF the royals celebrity through tourism?  How many charities are bolstered by the Royals patronage?  All that  Can't possibly be being spent out of the country.

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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....

@candys mine "Not ffor nothing but How many people do the Royal households and estates employ?  How many people are making thier living OFF the royals celebrity through tourism?  How many charities are bolstered by the Royals patronage?  All that  Can't possibly be being spent out of the country."


Yes, the royals do create a lot of revenue through tourism.  It would affect the economy significantly if royalty ended.

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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....


@candys mine 


"Not for nothing" ?    

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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....

[ Edited ]

@RainCityWoman wrote:

Not everyone in the UK is a royalist. 


I know that the Queen is the official hostess of dignitaries, 


Personally, I feel that Harry is probably glad to be out of the whole scene.




The queen is definitely a VERY well paid "hostess".  Nice work if you can get it, I guess.


I read this morning that there's increasing pressure on the queen to strip Andrew of his duke of York title.   Is there anyone who thinks York would be in jeopardy if they no longer had a "duke" ?   

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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....

[ Edited ]

@RainCityWoman wrote:

Not everyone in the UK is a royalist. In fact, the majority of the voters have voted against getting rid of the monarchy, as if they could. But there are huge factions, especially in Scotland and Wales who are totally anti Royals. In addition, there are many who feel that they keep the royals afloat one way or the other by their taxes. I don't live there, nor do I know the charter of the royals and their properties, and I am not anti royal. I know that the Queen is the official hostess of dignitaries, etc. I also know that because of the royals tourism is a top  revenue gatherer. There are always two sides to a story. Personally, I feel that Harry is probably glad to be out of the whole scene.

Regarding the last sentence of Harry being glad to be out of the RF...I agree to a point.  I think Harry (and Meghan) are glad to be away from all the not-so-nice parts of royal life, but think they do miss some of it---mainly the money and all the royal perks.  I found it interesting...remember the big O interview when Harry kept saying his father Charles quit taking his calls?  I read somewhere that that's not the whole story. An aide of Charles claimed Charles got annoyed and tired of Harry asking him for money. And yes, who knows what's true or not, but just underscores to me they want their cake & eat it too.  I mean, what's Harry going to do?  Go out and get a job?

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Re: Queen Mum has made her move....

@KKJ  "And yes, who knows what's true or not, but just underscores to me they want their cake & eat it too.  I mean, what's Harry going to do?  Go out and get a job?"


Maybe Harry and Megan can get a job in Disneyland as a prince and princess.  They can play dress up and have pictures taken with their subjects.Smiley Happy