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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

@Annabellethecat66  As much as you love to shop, I figured you were a member. LOL

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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lRe: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

@Kachina624 @LoriLori @LTT1 @lovescats, @ECBG @PuddlesOMG!  I feel a little nauseous!  The last time I remember feeling nauseous I was pregnant with my last daughter.  That was 37 years ago!


Wholly!  Cow!  Maybe I'm preggers....Can you imagine?  OK ladies...if you hear on the news about a 71 year old woman in Virginia who found out she was preggers....who hasn't had any lovin' since 2004 (when my husband died)....then you have my permission to tell the media..."I know her....she's crazier than a squirrel..."


Maybe it will pass...I'm not kidding...not sick just nauseous (at least I can now spell the stupid word)....

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Re: lRe: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?




omg you are too funny!!!!! I'm sure your "preggie" story will get top billing be right up there next to the looney Kardashian who is "supposedly" pregnant!!!


thanks for your sense of humor & good laugh today!  It's even funnier because I just took a Valium for my leg surgery tomorrow 😉

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Re: lRe: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

@homedecor1 I just saw on TMZ Kaylie Jenner (she's just barely 20) is pregnant and having a girl at about the same time as her sister.  


Anyway, the nausea has disappeared....I ate something (my answer to everything).  I never feel like that. 


It was almost a rush like I had when I "thought" I had a pimple (Yea!...aging backward), but it was a piece of leftover!

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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

Well, I understand about QVC wanting to unload the Christmas stuff but how are they going to feel when people return this stuff around November or so?

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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

They will just offer a bunch of easy pays and promise it will be there in time for Christmas.

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Well, I understand about QVC wanting to unload the Christmas stuff but how are they going to feel when people return this stuff around November or so?