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QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

So, it started out 'Christmas in July', right?  How many times have we had Christmas on QVC?  In the past did they just pick Christmas celebration days like this?


What am I missing here?  I've been watching QVC since early 2005 and I don't remember so many Christmas days.  Am I just forgetting?

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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

Same time in October and November and then again in December!  They surround the 25th of every month!

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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

You see @Annabellethecat66, now we're having Christmas in September, and next week we'll have Christmas in October, on and on.  I have 5 TVs here and either the TV or satellite receiver is not working on all of them so I have no TV.  I'm not missing it a bit.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

@Kachina624 Funny you should say that!  I've bla blaed here that I go to sleep every night with the TV on.  Well last night I'd fallen asleep and suddenly......ta was cricket eyes popped open!


Then I see a sign on the TV something about not getting a signal!  It goes, "Please plug and unplug the TV"....  I did it and then wen't into the TV room and did it!  Same thing!


Then it dawned on me!  It's not any of my TV's it's THEM COMCAST!  So I unplugged all TV's and went to sleep.  I woke up this morning and felt refreshed (no political junk to avoid, no QVC Christmas and I felt wonderful!  Ha!


My family has always joked that when I stop ordering the QVC stock takes a major hit!  Well, I really save money on Christmas shows.  


I think I'll take a trip with the money I'm saving....come on more Christmas in October, November and on and on....


What reason do they give for so much Christmas shows?  Does anyone know?  Have they said?

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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

@Annabellethecat66  I got an Amazon Fire Stick and watch movies and some TV shows using that.  I too fell asleep to the TV but this thing shuts off after the movie ends so I wake up to peace and quiet.  Even with extras my present TV costs less than half what satellite cost.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@Kachina624 Funny you should say that!  I've bla blaed here that I go to sleep every night with the TV on.  Well last night I'd fallen asleep and suddenly......ta was cricket eyes popped open!


Then I see a sign on the TV something about not getting a signal!  It goes, "Please plug and unplug the TV"....  I did it and then wen't into the TV room and did it!  Same thing!


Then it dawned on me!  It's not any of my TV's it's THEM COMCAST!  So I unplugged all TV's and went to sleep.  I woke up this morning and felt refreshed (no political junk to avoid, no QVC Christmas and I felt wonderful!  Ha!


My family has always joked that when I stop ordering the QVC stock takes a major hit!  Well, I really save money on Christmas shows.  


I think I'll take a trip with the money I'm saving....come on more Christmas in October, November and on and on....


What reason do they give for so much Christmas shows?  Does anyone know?  Have they said?

@Annabellethecat66 - it's what everything is about, sales, sales and more sales.  They must be making money off these shows.

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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

QVC has been doing the Christmas shows on the 25th of the month for years now, this is not different. The only difference is, they have extended it this month..probably becasue inventory needs to be moved. I ahve noticed that there are many easy pay items too.


I would rather see these shows than the constant clothing and beauty hours they have on a continual basis.

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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

@Kachina624 I have one of those.  It's sitting (along with other stuff) on my kitchen counter.  I already have an Apple thingy plugged into the TV and never used the thing!  Ha!


My friend saw the Fire Stick sitting there and said she'd buy it from me.  I said, "I might use it".  I probably never will and like usual, end up giving it to her.


I listen to Entertainment Weekly XM Satellite radio in my car and in my house and people come on there talking about shows on Amazon, and other places.  I want to see them but .....ok, maybe I'll hook the thing up this weekend...I get Netflix on my IPAD so I could re-watch "The Wire" in rehab....


I just had an epiphany!  Wait til QVC gets all of these returns from the Christmas have until January 2018 to return them...that's what Rick said...notice they don't mention that much.

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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

@Annabellethecat66  If you already pay for Netflix, with the stick you can watch it on your TV.  If you have Amazon Prime you can watch Prime movies too.  It's very simple to hook up but you do need your modem or router password.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: QVC's Christmas Celebrations?

@Kachina624 I do have Prime.  I love using it.  I've ordered many things there.


Once (well, last Fall) I ordered a Kerosene heater from Amazon Prime early in the morning and received it by late that same day!