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Did anyone else get an email asking to take a survey about return/ exchange preferences ? I typically don't do surveys and I didn't do this one, but I'm curious if anyone else received this request. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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No, I never get emails of any kind from the Q. Somehow I've become invisible to them.

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I've never received any type of survey from the Q over the years.  I've always shopped on both channels, here and HSN, but I've gotten many survey's from HSN and also private coupon codes and percentages off.  Guess they like me better over there.

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Actually all I get are reminders of the TSV's or other specials.

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I got one and made the mistake of filling it out.  Now they come even when I haven't purchased andythng. It just leeds to more emails I don't need.  Won't do that again.

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@QVCkitty1. I got some kind of survey last week but forgot to open it and complete, then it expired.


I usually try to cooperate and complete them in the interest of improvement.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I got it and completed it.  They're asking, so decided to help. 

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I'm done with ratings, surveys and reviews.  I do fill out ratings if an employee is involved--delivery drivers and such.  I give them high marks if deserved.  


But I'm not writing ads for companies any more.  They can hire pr people.  I was an ad writer at one point in my career.  Woman Very Happy