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Registered: ‎05-06-2014

Does anyone know why Mary DeAngelis seems to be the only host that lists the sizes of an item starting with the largest and going down to the smallest?  Maybe I am too critical but it sort of irritates me.  What are your thoughts?

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@Susanbelle.  My thought is that this is unimportant and you're overly critical.  Is there a rule that they must be listed in a certain order?

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@Susanbelle wrote:

Does anyone know why Mary DeAngelis seems to be the only host that lists the sizes of an item starting with the largest and going down to the smallest?  Maybe I am too critical but it sort of irritates me.  What are your thoughts?




Yes, you are too critical.  My guess is that you've never worked in sales, either.  If that's your biggest problem today, good for you.


Just a theory here, but I notice that the last sizes to go when they've reduced the prices and the seasons are changing, it's always the XXS and XS seem to be the last to go.


That would mean (to me) that the larger sizes sell out first.  It would be a good sales technique to first mention the sizes which seem to sell out most quickly.  



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Ive heard other hosts say it that way too & am thinking its to reinforce that they're carrying 4x & 5x sizes now.  These sizes seem to sell quickly. 

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@Susanbelle wrote:

Does anyone know why Mary DeAngelis seems to be the only host that lists the sizes of an item starting with the largest and going down to the smallest?  Maybe I am too critical but it sort of irritates me.  What are your thoughts?

My thought is that the prolonged heat wave may having a deliterious effect on some people's sense of proportion.

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@Susanbelle   you just stepped into it!!

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I'm just happy when hosts go through sizes, give the lengths, describe the fit etc.  These things actually help me to know if I want to order an item.  My size always goes fast, so I need the details quickly.😃

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It took you ten years to post something and this is what you enter the arena (forum) with? 


How irritating is that? 😜


Seriously, that's a "you" problem, not a Mary problem.

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Would it bother you if the host or vendor said, “Dress it down or dress it up,” instead of, “Dress it up or dress it down?”
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