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Re: QVC Likes removing posts

While it is understandable that posts can be removed for fighting, political or religious arguing, and general inappropriate behavior, some of the comments about hosts or vendors should be actually reviewed.  If you really want feedback Q, read the actual item reviews and posts here in the forums, and not send me a survey about clothing "designer" Brand Recognition and buzz words surrounding them (which I received the other day from Q), and instead send out a "personnel performance/show content review" form.  Something like: "which Q shows do you watch and why? What words would you use to describe this show or the items presented, how they are presented, etc. What buzzwords would You use to describe this show?, etc. " No personal attacks would be allowed but they would get the point.  


I find it hard to believe the hosts get all the credit for the sales of an item.  I never buy because of the host, and I think I am in the majority here. But, again, optics, personalities, etc, are important to sales as well do some fishing for actual consumer input on thir content, salespersons, time slots, new items Q should look into, etc.


If you are pushing staff hosts to be quasi celebrities who have podcasts, instagram, etc, and engage the bad is going to come along with it. Sometimes feedback is necessary to improve! 

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Re: QVC Likes removing posts

I don't have a problem with QVC removing any degrading or vile comments about their personnel, and there have been some, over time.  No one should be subjected to that.  


On the other hand, reasoned, fact-based comments about the efficacy-- or not-- of certain sales techniques, etc., could come under the category of "constructive criticism", and could conceivably be left up, and many have been.  Ultimately, it's their call, given that they own the venue.


What I object to, is the leaving up of degrading, taunting comments in the forum, directed toward other posters when there are disagreements in viewpoint.  Some have been unbelievably malign. 


I've witnessed some, and those posts need to be removed with the same swift resolve that is shown when QVC hosts are similarly insulted.  And for anyone who participates in that, there should be further penalties so that it can't be repeated.     

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Re: QVC Likes removing posts

@Oznell  You said it so well. I agree with everything you said here. Great post! Something was said about me years ago and it hurt because it wasn't true. Since then, I have felt even more need to "speak my piece" in hopes that QVC would take take a stronger stand on this issue. There is too much of this going on in our world today, imo.

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Re: QVC Likes removing posts

Absolutely, discerning @jubilant !   I love that you and I are so on the same page with this.  

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Re: QVC Likes removing posts


Why don't you share exact wording of the review you wrote so we can see if what you say is true?



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Re: QVC Likes removing posts

@cjm61 wrote:

With so many posters complaining continually about shipping, hosts behavior, IT issues, how the models wear the clothes, even where else to shop, etc. I admire QVC for even allowing this forum to remain up and running. 


Although, I do wish the powers that be would pay some attention to the many complaints, I also scratch my head and wonder why they allow some of the posts to remain.


I am unaware of any other online retailer that has a forum such as this where many posts, in fact I believe the majority, are complaining about QVC instead of posting positive things. 


Just positive things?  There isn't a company around that lives in such a Pollyanna universe.  


Every retailer accepts criticisms if worded with some class and tact. Decent grammar helps too. These seem to be lost arts for so many people. 


None of this means a business will do anything about the feedback. We obviously see nothing from Q and countless other huge corporations.


Big corporations have a single focus - profits for CEOs and shareholders. The only thing they want is our money.


Big corporations care about customers only when they buy and then they don't care anymore.


I retired from a huge international corporation and was high enough up the ladder to know what I'm talking about.

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Re: QVC Likes removing posts

@Puppy Lips wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:


People need to wisely choose the words they use to criticize hosts and choose what to criticize.  For many, this is a lost art.  


Stop with the personal bashing...clothes, glasses, hair, nails, how they eat or hold food, etc. 


Think about how you'd want someone to tell you your hair is ugly or hanging, what kind of glasses you shouldn't wear, that your nails are ugly, that it's sickening to watch you eat, that your clothes don't fit, or you're too fat, etc.


Everyone should be able to wear and be who they are without criticism from others. 


No one will like everyone. It's called life. 


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have to say it.



@CalminHeart I agree that the comments about someone's looks are unnecessary.  I don't think I have made any posts about anyone's looks, though I have 'hearted" posts about hosts wearing their clothes too tight.  However, I the think comments about the behavior and sales pitches and stories, and anything else that comes out of their mouths should be fair game for comments.  The customers, viewing from both their TVs and computers, are the ones who are listening to all that.  If there is something spoken that is a real turn off, offensive, rude, whathaveyou, then I think we SHOULD speak up.  QVC is asking for our time and attention, both of which are getting in shorter and shorter supply.  And if I don't like what I hear, they are not getting my time and attention, and therefore my hard earned dollars.


I completely agree!!


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Re: QVC Likes removing posts

Yes they do!